Shattered Sigil

Shattered Sigil is a campaign set in a Planescape and Spelljammer crossover scenario using the fifth edition D&D ruleset. We play Thursdays from 7:00pm (JST) using the Salt Malt & Meta Discord, the digital toolset at D&D BEYOND, the virtual tabletop at Owlbear Rodeo, and a LOT of Powerpoint.

Jump to: Scoreboard, Crew, Foes, Log, Rules, Waking Up, Planar Adventuring Advice, Chant, Dark, Fragments

Sigil has shattered in “the milling”
No one could foresee what happened next…


Status of the Spectrum: Incomplete

Accumulated Experience Points: 18,100 (Next: 23,000… only 4,900 more)

  • Recovered pages: 17 (x 500 XP = 8,500 XP)

  • Experienced axioms: 11 (x 50 XP = 550 XP)

  • Collected chant: 95 (x 10 XP = 950 XP)

  • Discovered dark: 61 (x 100XP = 6,100 XP)

  • Found fragments: 1 (x 2,000XP = 2,000 XP)

Quest log

  • Individual motivations

  • Get rid of the manacles at the Pit of Aroden?

  • Find Gerald and Gerald?

  • Uncover the secret of Alyxian’s Prayer?

  • Help Xog’dradeth recover the Appendix from Corpus in Hades?

  • Find out more information about the museum heist at the Lock and Key at the Pit of Aroden?

  • Unlock the memory of the Sigil Shard?

  • Purchase a lot of cans of beans for 44?

  • Find Flapjack’s former crew?

  • Visit “a good time” ?

  • Join and grow rank with one of the factions?

  • Visit the new Festhall in Arborea?

  • Ask Eogan or someone in Arborea about the Arborea silver found on the Nautiloid?

  • Help Lyndarhea find a place where she can be free to be herself?

  • Give Ayo a chance to feel like a real hero?

  • Dermot?

  • Galsariad?

  • Maggie?

  • Uncover the Sigil Spell and the secret of the Milling


The Crew

  • DM Max

    Chaotic Neutral, Linguist, Human Male, Mastermind Storyteller

    Played by: Chris Moore @dungeonmaximus

    Physical description: Pretty average could-lose-some-weight dad-bod build middle-aged white guy, likes to wear shorts and a geek-culture T-shirt, often with neon sneakers and a black baseball cap. Has trouble making direct eye contact but can get a little salty/spicy at times despite a generally milquetoast personality; has a large scar on his right wrist. Sometimes seen carrying around a tome written in an ancient language that he struggles to read but cracking its code gives him personal validation. There’s no sauce too hot for him in all the multiverse.

    Plot hooks: Definitely Athar but ready to reconsider specific elements of dogma surrounding the Eschaton. Too many regrets but mostly petty comebacks he meant to say at the right moment and expressions of love that went unspoken; was psychologically harmed by an extreme narcissist that he likes to day dream about destroying through masterful storytelling. Takes comfort in playing TTRPG and sharing a drink with his friends. Met ol’ Thorsewilf in a day of depression and the guy knew just how to draw DM Max out of that dark place… what a guy. Was taken aside for discussion with the law once for having too bright and colorful of a Hawaiian shirt while carrying someone else’s bag through customs.

  • Aimọ Grekahr
    CCG, Outlander Githzerai Male Wandering Paths Monk
    Played by: Cedric

    Physical description: Aimo is a tall and gangly githzerai to the point he often gets mistaken for a githyanki, just without the armor, weapons and aggression. He has a simple, well-maintained goatee and a head of peach fuzz that could probably use shaving. He prefers to wear a simple tunic of a light blue with a good solid belt, sensible breeches, and sturdy shoes. Hanging from the belt on a simple leather cord is half a broken tea cup. Described as a flavor, Aimo is the simple umami of a broth with a slight foretaste of sweetness and a tiny hint of bitter. Scarred across his left eye from escaping his previous ‘employer’ on a Mercykiller ship, Aimo also has a series of nasty burns across his back that he tries to keep hidden. He carries a brass coin bearing the profile of two women facing each other with bird wings for ears (Spare the dying, Heroism, Glyph of Warding) that he fiddles with as a reminder that he can’t go back. He’s the only of his order only able to affect gravity, much to his annoyance.

    Plot hooks: Aimo joined the Mercykillers as a matter of convenience and in name only, but is even less committed to their movement in light of the Milling. He regrets having caused an incident back where he came from and where he can never return to. Aimo made an enemy of Captain Gabriel Gildenhind, Aimo’s previous ‘employer,’ when Aimo was snuck off the Captain’s ship. Aimo enjoys spending time fishing and meditating. He met Horcrawft when he needed help to be smuggled out of Sigil… What a guy. Unfortunately he couldn’t run forever from his past and the Mercykillers and when it caught up to him he found himself on the Spectrum.

  • Bishop "Duke" Reeves

    Alignment, Background, Lineage, Gender, Subclass ClassPlayed by: Player Name

    Physical description: (FLAVOR) (SCAR) (KEEPSAKE) (UNIQUE THING)


  • Iuitl "Buttercup" Dandilyon

    LE Soldier Pixie Female Space Marine Barbarian
    Played by: Chris Chaparro (DM Mako Sushi)

    Physical description: (BUILD AND FASHION) (FLAVOR) Scar on left side of face resulting in loss of vision. (KEEPSAKE) (UNIQUE THING)

    Plot hooks: Is a member of the Signers. Still a believer in the philosophy despite the Eschaton. She’s still here and the universe hasn’t ended, so she may be closer to the prime imagineer than others. Regrets that there will be no more pixie parties with tenth cousins although maybe if she thinks about them hard enough they’ll be back. Captain Percy Whetmore was a class A ass-hat assigned to her squad. He didn't deserve to be Captain, but worst of all he found out about her side gig. Started to threaten her for a cut before Sigil went and broke itself. Sorry for the Sigil, not sorry for the "Capt." She’s just glad she doesn't have to imagine him anymore. She likes to have a good bowl of pipe weed. Never personally met Horsewilf, but aware of him from a distance. They always say… what a guy. Got caught by the captain selling surplus salvaged from the dead… hey, they weren’t using it anyway.

  • L903-947Y (Forty Four)

    Neutral Guild Artisan/Guild Merchant Female Hadozee Spellwalker Technician Artificer
    Played by: Wrye

    Physical description: 44 is a small Hadozee with all white fur and peachy skin. She often finds a disliking to her surroundings initially but ends up growing to them. 44 is spicy and can get grouchy and negative, but hopes to make friends and help them. The box 44 carries was heavily damaged in the Eschaton. 44 wears broken goggles that seem to be the only thing she has left of the scientist that sent her into space. Although the memory is lost, they bring her a strong sense of joy and love (Booming Blade, Comprehend Languages, Dispel Magic). During her time in Sigil, 44 found with her proficiency in calligraphy that she spray-paints maps of the stars better than all else!

    Plot hooks: Nominal follower of the Fraternity of Order but hopes that reincarnation is real while the laws that put her on the Spectrum turn out to have loopholes. 44s biggest regret is forgetting her mission. She has dedicated most of her life and passion to finding out why she has been sent into space in the first place. As 44 lived in Sigil, she found herself making a handful of doomguard and fraternity of Order enemies. One of the most known of 44s enemies is one of the higher fraternity of orders, as she has stolen and vandalized their property multiple occasions. 44 enjoys making art of any kind. One of her biggest downfalls is finding the fight lacking flavor and adding some herself to the fight. 44 has friends among a thieves guild. 44 was recently arrested and serving time on the ship for vandalizing a fleet of spelljammer ships that had planned to set course against the Fraternity of Orders wishes.

  • You can’t be serious!/Yuca/Cesula

    Chaotic Astral Drifter Lumen Female Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
    Played by: Catherine Davidson

    Physical description: Tall, astral elf like body, gravity defying white/translucent hair which twinkles with starlight. light luminous skin. Bright glowing eyes. If she was a flavor it would be umami. She has a star shaped scar on her right cheek that she got from attempting to tinker with artificery once. In her hair she keeps a single hairpin with a black pearl on it. It was a gift from a beloved friend who was killed in front of her. Placed inside are three spells to help that never happen again. Yuca is the incarnation of curiosity and can’t resist trying something new. She almost never turns down a dare if it’s something she hasn’t experienced before.

    Plot hooks: Sensate and here to experience everything the multiverse has even after the Milling. Not so much regret, but wow, what an experience. Cesula once shared an encounter with a thief named Zyn T'sarran who turned out to be a very toxic person obsessed with destroying her. He murdered several people while she was linked with them emotionally so that he could watch her feel their death. Cesula hasn’t spotted him for awhile and hopes she never does again. But she is determined to become more powerful to defend anyone he might try to attack again. As a sensate, You can’t be serious has experienced many vices and is always up for trying something new. This has gotten her into trouble sometimes. But as much trouble as she has gotten into, she always finds a way out. Because of his fame, She sought out Hovercraft Thronsewif to hear/feel about his adventures. She was hoping to join him on a few actually. They spent some time together and became friends. Mostly because she was a good listener and he loved talking about himself. He was fascinated with her ability to truly share in his experiences and emotions. Their favorite activity to do together was sit in a mud bath and drink pan galactic gargle blasters while weaving tall tales of possible adventures. It was he who jokingly dared her to steal a gem from the very proud and wealthy plasmoid. It was that failed attempt that landed her on the prison ship.


Fought Foes

The Latest Adventure Log Entries


“More like guidelines, really.”


Waking Up

A Heroic Chronicle and Options for Shattered Sigil

  • How does it make you feel to know that everything you have known and lived around ... it's all gone? (REGRET)

    You remember the motto of your Faction... What Faction were you a part of? (FACTION)

    How do you feel about the philosophy of your Faction in the light of the Eschaton? (NEW PERSPECTIVE)

    What was your occupation before the Eschaton? (BACKGROUND)

    What is your physical configuration? (LINEAGE/GENDER)

    You remember a throbbing pain. Shrapnel struck you as the Cage blew to bits...that’s gonna leave a mark. Where are you sore? (SCAR)

    What is your keepsake? What does it mean to you? (KEEPSAKE)

    Who are you glad probably died in the Eschaton? What did they do to you? (FOE)

    You've imagined killing this sod many times before... what was the way you often imagined it would happen? (CLASS)

    What facet of the cosmopolitan culture of Sigil will you miss the most? (COMFORT/VICE)

    How do you know Horcrawft Thorsewilf, adventurer for hire? (FRIEND)

    What offence (large or small, just or unjust) were you being punished for? (CRIME)

    Which way does your moral compass point? (ALIGNMENT)

    Or perhaps your personality is better described as a flavor? (FLAVOR)

    What’s your one absolutely unique to you thing? (UNIQUE THING)


You lie comfortably with your eyes closed. The familiar feeling of coming awake and not yet opening your eyes. You're pleasantly warm but brushed with a gentle intermittent cool breeze and your ears gradually fill with the sound of waves gently rolling onto a beach. You try to remember...


You remember Sigil. The City of Doors. A city on the inside of a torus with gates leading to every place a berk's ever dreamed of. A meeting place of minds where ideas clash just as true as blade and spell. Everything comes in threes out here. It all loops back like a ring. And maybe, you're at the center of it all. You remember yearning for exploring the outer planes as part of a team. You remember the Factions were at war. And then came the Eschaton, when the Sigil spell was cast and then the Cage came apart... the Great Milling.

How does it make you feel to know that everything you have known and lived around ... it's all gone? (REGRET)

You remember your Faction’s motto... What Faction were you a part of? (FACTION)

  • 1d20

    1. Athar (Defiers, Lost) “The gods are frauds; the unknowable truth lies beyond the veil.” “Sigil’s destruction only shows the weakness of the Powers.”

    2. Believers of the Source (Godsmen) “All life springs from the same divine source, ascending and descending in form as the cosmos tests it.” “The Milling was just another trial, and we’re one step closer to fulfilling the grand purpose of it all.”

    3. Bleak Cabal (Bleakers, The Cabal, Madmen) “The multiverse ain’t supposed to make sense; there’s no grand scheme, no deep meaning, no elusive order. The only truth worth finding lies within.” “Sigil is gone, and good riddance. Maybe now sods will get it into their bone-boxes that there’s no use trying.”

    4. Doomguard (Sinkers) “Entropy is ecstasy; decay is divine. The multiverse is supposed to fall apart. We’re just here to keep leatherheads from interfering.” “Even Sigil falls apart. And what a glorious shattering it was.”

    5. Dustmen (The Dead, Red-pilled) “We’re all dead — some more so than others. So, we explore our current state with patience, purge our passion, and ascend toward the purity of True Death.” “Sigil was just the beginning. The true end, the true eschaton is nigh!”

    6. Fated (Takers, Heartless) “The multiverse belongs to those who seize it. No one’s to blame for a poor sod’s fate but the sorry sod himself.” “Many were lost in the Milling, but they deserved it. Not enough initiative to get out of the way. Look at me, I’m fine and my time is just around the corner.”

    7. Fraternity of Order (Guvners) “Everything has laws; most are dark. Learn the laws of the multiverse and you can rule it.” “The eschaton is the working of a hidden law of reality. That same order is still at work for those that understand the rules.”

    8. Free League (Indeps) “This ain’t no faction, and nobody tells us what to do. Keep your options open; nobody’s got the key to the truth.” “Someone else will tell you sheep what to think about the Milling. I’ve got my own problems to take care of right now, so if you don’t mind...”

    9. Harmonium (Hardheads) “Peace is our goal. But if it takes a little war to get others to set things right, the Harmonium way, so be it. That’s how we’ll reach our golden harmony.” “With the other factions lost and leaderless, now is the perfect time for us to impose our perfect harmony on the multiverse.”

    10. Mercykillers (Red Death) “Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.” “Whoever was behind the Eschaton will be found and made to pay.”

    11. Revolutionary League (Anarchists) “The status quo is built on lies and greed. Crush the factions. Break ‘em all down and rebuild with what’s left — that’s the only way to find the real truth.” “With Sigil gone, we can get onto the real work of bringing down every other authority and organization. Freedom wins when no one rules over another and that day has just gotten closer!”

    12. Sign of One (Signers) “The multiverse exists because the mind imagines it. The Signers — it could be any Signer — create the multiverse through the power of thought.” “I was bored of that place anyway. No need to waste anymore thoughts on it when there’s so much more reality to imagine about.”

    13. Society of Sensation (Sensates) “To know the multiverse, experience it fully. The senses form the path to truth, for the multiverse doesn’t exist beyond what can be sensed.” “To know loss is an important experience. This feeling of sadness, loss and despair is an amazing new part of our collective journey and I want to feel it fully.”

    14. Transcendent Order (Ciphers) “Action without thought is the purest response. Train body and mind to act in harmony, and the spirit will become one with the multiverse.” “What was? What could have been? These questions don’t matter. Everything that is, is as it should be, just as it always is. I’m more interested in the now.”

    15. The Xaositects (Chaosmen, Randos) “Chaos is truth, order delusion. Embracing the randomness of the multiverse, one learns its secrets.” “That level of Chaos is AWESOME! Let’s do that again on a bigger scale!”

    16. The Clueless (Primers) “You don’t have to be from the material planes to be clueless, at least that’s what I’m told.” “I don’t know… was Sigil that big of a deal anyway?”

    17. and higher … something else …

[Note: Eligibility, Benefits and Restrictions sections above should be considered flavor and not mechanical]

How do you feel about the philosophy of your Faction in the light of the Eschaton? (NEW PERSPECTIVE)

What was your occupation before the Eschaton? (BACKGROUND)

  • 1d20

    1. Berk without a Past (Hermit) “I’m from everywhere and nowhere. It doesn't matter where I‘ve been - only where I am and where I'm going."

    2. Cager (Urchin) “Sigil’s the only place to be. Anywhere else is second-rate. This is the center of the whole sodding multiverse, and if you want the real chant, you come here.” “These unforgiving streets are like a disease. Once you’ve walked them, they become a part of you. Sigil infects a basher, never letting you get away.”

    3. Champion of Good (Soldier) "I have touched goodness. I’ve held it in my hand. On the Outer Planes it’s there to see as clearly as a bubbling brook or a budding tree. Nothing else on any other plane can compare to that, and I’ll do anything to preserve such a force."

    4. Chant Broker (Sage) “I find the dark of things. If you pay me real well, I‘ll share a bit of the true chant with you.”

    5. Clueless (Outlander) “You don’t have to be from the Prime to be clueless. At least that’s what I’m told.”

    6. Dimensional Explorer (Sailor) “You can sit here in the Cage and let others feed you their ‘chant’ if you want, berk, but I’ve got to see it first hand. The real dark is out there - on the planes. There’re places no one’s ever been before, creatures no one’s ever encountered, sights no one’s ever seen. Probably treasure no one’s ever found, either. C‘mon, let’s go see what’s out there. . . .”

    7. Disinterested (Hermit) “Factions, planes, beliefs, portals, conduits . . . who cares? Point me in the direction of the nearest ride or the biggest pile of jink, and watch me go.”

    8. Cantina Band Member (Entertainer) “The one and only. Playing all week at the Burnished Knobhouse. I’ll be headlining a cruise of the astral sea after that.”

    9. Faction Slave (Guild Artisan) "There is only one way and one truth. You can ignore it if you wish, but you will see it soon enough. join me now or pay the music later."

    10. Knight of the Post (Criminal) "Got to stay lanned to the chant, so don't screed me no wash. Looking for a bit of the sparkle or a jangle of jink. I'll mark the gullies, peel and bob 'em up good. A top-shelf ride for a high-up basher like myself"

    11. Planar Elitist (Noble) "It's because of where I'm from, It's all in the breeding. Because of that, I know how things really should be. I'd let you in on the dark, but I doubt someone like you would ever really understand it."

    12. Planar Hunter (Folk Hero) "I stalk my prey. I make my kill. Plane, layer, realm - these things don’t matter when I follow the trail. The planes and the creatures on them offer me a greater variety, but I am still a hunter, and nothing more.”

    13. Planar Trader (Charlatan) “See, the thing is this: Those folks over there have something. The bashers that live on the other side of this portal need it. It’s up to me to fulfill everyone’s needs - and make a little jink all the while.” "It don’t matter what it is. If I've got it, I can get rid of it and walk away richer. The planes are full of gullies, and they’re all waiting to fill my pockets with jink.”

    14. Prime Blood (Soldier) "Sure I'm from the Prime, but I've been out on the planes for a while now, and I know the chant."

    15. Proxy-in-Training (Acolyte) "You don't understand. Everything is different now. I have been to the realm of my god. It's all clear now. I know what I must do."

    16. Refugee from Darkness (Urchin) “I have seen the horrors of the Abyss. I have seen the tortures inflicted upon those trapped on Baator. The harsh landscape of Gehenna, the prison of Carceri, and the oppressive dread of the Gray Waste - these have been my life until recently. I’ve escaped and I‘m not going back.”

    17. Spiv (Charlatan) "I do what I need to get by"

    18. Astral Drifter “I’ve flown from one side of the Astral Sea to the other and seen a lot of strange stuff … and I’ve even met a being that claims to be a powerful force that can control everything.”

    19. Wildspacer “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. It damaged me. I wouldn’t wish it on any other berk. The truth is out there.”

    20. Other Prime Background/Custom (Choose any from D&D Beyond)

You gently stretch your muscles, still eyes closed, and feel the sand around you shift.

What is your physical configuration? (LINEAGE/GENDER)

  • Aarakocra, Aasimar, Ardling(OD&D), Astral Elf, Astral Genasi (SGttM), Autognome, Bauriaur, Bugbear, Centaur, Changeling, Coalder (A14), Deep Gnome, Dhampir, Dragonborn, Duergar, Dwarf, Eladrin, Elf, Fairy, Firbolg, Genasi, Giff, Githyanki, Githzerai, Gnome, Goblin, Goliath, Hadozee, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Harengon, Hexblood, Hobgoblin, HUMAN, Lucidling(A3), Kalashtar, Kender, Kenku, Kobold, Leonin, Lizardfolk, Loxodon, Lumen(SGttM), Metamorph(SGttM), Minotaur, Mousequetaire(A14), Ogre(A14), Orc, Owlin, Pixie(A14), Plasmoid, Reborn, Rogue Modron, Sand Speaker(A3), Satyr, Scion(A11), Sea Elf, Shadar-kai, Shifter, Simic Hybrid, Somnian(A3), Tabaxi, Thri-kreen, Tiefling, Tortle, Triton, Vedalken, Warforged, Yuan-ti

You remember a throbbing pain. Shrapnel struck you as the Cage blew to bits...that’s gonna leave a mark. Where are you sore? (SCAR)

You picture in your mind's eye the one you wish you could have saved from the Eschaton. You feel your hands around a small object that you were holding as it happened.

What is your keepsake? What does it mean to you? (KEEPSAKE)

Everyone in the multiverse has a keepsake that means something special to them. It gives access to a cantrip that can be cast at will, a first level spell that can be used once per long rest, and a third level spell that can only be used once. Using the third level spell consumes all of the magic of the keepsake. Keepsakes are attunement items, and you can use someone else’s keepsake by attuning to it.

A sly grin forms.

Who are you glad probably died in the Eschaton? What did they do to you? (FOE)

You've imagined killing this sod many times before... what was the way you often imagined it would happen? (“How do you want to do this?”) (CLASS)

  • Alchemist (DDB)

    Armorer (DDB)

    Artillerist (DDB)

    Battle Smith (DDB)

    Crystal Shaper (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Dhakaani Forge Adept (Exploring Eberron)

    Disruptor (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Mastermaker (Dread Metrol)

    Maverick (Exploring Eberron)

    Restoration Specialist [Life Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Spirit Binder (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Spellwalker Technician (SGttM)

    War Weaver (Archetypes of Eberron)

  • Path of the Ancestral Guardian (DDB)

    Path of the Battlerager (DDB)

    Path of the Berserker (DDB)

    Path of the Deathsworn [Grave Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Path of the Extreme Explorer (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Path of the Feral Heart (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Path of the Rage Mage (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Path of the Space Marine (SGttM)

    Path of the Storm Herald (DDB)

    Path of the Totem Warrior (DDB)

    Path of the Woad Warrior (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Path of Wild Magic (DDB)

    Path of the Zealot (DDB)

  • College of Astrology (SGttM)

    College of Creation (DDB)

    Dhakaani College of the Dirge Singer (Exploring Eberron)

    College of Eloquence (DDB)

    College of Glamour (DDB)

    College of Grandmother's Tales (Arcadia 8)

    College of Keys (Morgrave Miscellany)

    College of Lore (DDB)

    College of Revelation (Archetypes of Eberron)

    College of Rhapsody [War Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    College of Spies (Archetypes of Eberron)

    College of Spirits (DDB)

    College of Springtide (Arcadia 2)

    College of Swords (DDB)

    College of Valor (DDB)

    College of Whispers (DDB)

    College of the World Wakers (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

  • Order of the Ghostslayer (DDB)

    Order of the Lycan (DDB)

    Order of the Mutant (DDB)

    Order of the Profane Soul (DDB)

  • Anathema Domain (Arcadia 9)

    Arcana Domain (DDB)

    Atonement Domain (Arcadia 9)

    Avarice Domain (Arcadia 5)

    Change Domain (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Death Domain (DDB)

    Dreams Domain (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Exorcism Domain (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Forge Domain (DDB)

    Grave Domain (DDB)

    Hearth Domain (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Knowledge Domain (DDB)

    Life Domain (DDB)

    Light Domain (DDB)

    Mind Domain (Exploring Eberron)

    Nature Domain (DDB)

    Null Domain (SGttM)

    Order Domain (DDB)

    Peace Domain (DDB)

    Sovereign Domain (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Tempest Domain (DDB)

    Trickery Domain (DDB)

    Twilight Domain (DDB)

    War Domain (DDB)

  • Circle of Animism (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Circle of Arbiter (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Circle of Blood [Death Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Circle of Civilization (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Circle of Dreams (DDB)

    Circle of Eberron (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Circle of the Forged (Exploring Eberron)

    Circle of the Gilded (Arcadia 5)

    Circle of the Land (DDB)

    Circle of the Moon (DDB)

    Circle of the Shepherd (DDB)

    Circle of Spores (DDB)

    Circle of Stars (DDB)

    Circle of Storms (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Circle of Wildfire (DDB)

    Circle of the Void (SGttM)

  • Arcane Archer (DDB)

    Bastion [Protection Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Battle Master (DDB)

    Bone Knight (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Cavalier (DDB)

    Champion (DDB)

    Combat Medic (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Echo Knight (DDB)

    Eldritch Knight (DDB)

    Forms Adept (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Gunslinger (DDB)

    Marshal (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Meteor Knight (SGttM)

    Psi Warrior (DDB)

    Purple Dragon Knight (DDB)

    Rune Knight (DDB)

    Samurai (DDB)

    Solar Knight (SGttM)

    Vigilante (Morgrave Miscellany)

  • Way of the Ancestral Avatar (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Way of the Argent Fist (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Way of Ascendant Dragon (DDB)

    Way of Astral Self (DDB)

    Way of the Chronicler [Knowledge Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Way of Cobalt Soul (DDB)

    Way of the Conduit (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Way of the Drunken Master (DDB)

    Way of the Flesh (Arcadia 15)

    Way of the Four Elements (DDB)

    Way of the Kensei (DDB)

    Way of the Living Weapon (Exploring Eberron)

    Way of the Long Death (DDB)

    Way of Mercy (DDB)

    Way of the Open Hand (DDB)

    Way of the Raging Sun (SGttM)

    Way of Shadow (DDB)

    Way of the Sun Soul (DDB)

    Way of the Tashalatora (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Way of the Wandering Paths (SGttM)

  • Oath of Acquisitions (Arcadia 5)

    Oath of the Ancients (DDB)

    Oath of the Bone Knight (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Oath of Conquest (DDB)

    Oath of the Crown (DDB)

    Oath of Devotion (DDB)

    Oath of Exploration (SGttM)

    Oath of Glory (DDB)

    Oath of Inheritance [Forge Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Oath of Inquisition (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Oath of the Kell Knight (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Oath of the Oathbreaker (DDB)

    Oath of the Open Sea (DDB)

    Oath of Redemption (DDB)

    Oath of Sacrament (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Oath of Vengeance (DDB)

    Oath of the Watchers (DDB)

  • Astral Seafarer (SGttM)

    Beast Master (DDB)

    Conclave of the Spirit Stalkers (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Drakewarden (DDB)

    Extreme Explorer (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Fey Wanderer (DDB)

    Field Marshal (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Gloom Stalker (DDB)

    Guerilla (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Horizon Walker (DDB)

    Hunter (DDB)

    Monster Slayer (DDB)

    Nomad of the North [Tempest Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Swarmkeeper (DDB)

  • Arcane Trickster (DDB)

    Assassin (DDB)

    Divine Herald (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Divine Sniper (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Inquisitive (DDB)

    Jammer (SGttM)

    Mastermind (DDB)

    Maverick (SGttM)

    Mindthief (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Phantom (DDB)

    Scout (DDB)

    Soulknife (DDB)

    Soulknife (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Swashbuckler (DDB)

    Thief (DDB)

    Wildlander [Nature Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

  • Aberrant Mind (DDB)

    Aetherian Origin (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Blood Magus (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Cataclysm Mage (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Child of the Sun Bloodline (Arcadia 2)

    Clockwork Soul (DDB)

    Divine Soul (DDB)

    Draconic Bloodline (DDB)

    Galaxy Magic (SGttM)

    Luminomancer [Light Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Lunar Sorcery (DDB)

    Progenitor Spark (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Severed Soul (SGttM)

    Shadow Magic (DDB)

    Storm Sorcery (DDB)

    Titan Heart (Arcadia 1)

    Wicked Witch (Arcadia 8)

    Wild Magic (DDB)

    Wilder (Archetypes of Eberron)

  • Aetherian Origin (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    Archfey (DDB)

    Blood Magus (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Cataclysm Mage (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Celestial (DDB)

    Child of the Sun Bloodline (Arcadia 2)

    Cosmic Entity (SGttM)

    Fathomless (DDB)

    Fiend (DDB)

    Genie (DDB)

    Great Old One (DDB)

    Hexblade (DDB)

    Luminomancer [Light Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    Progenitor Spark (Morgrave Miscellany)

    Undead (DDB)

    Undying (DDB)

    Wicked Witch (Arcadia 8)

    Wilder (Archetypes of Eberron)

  • Assault Magic (SGttM)

    Bladesinging (DDB)

    Chronurgy Magic (DDB)

    Cosmomancer (SGttM)

    Cult of the Alienist (Archetypes of Eberron)

    Graviturgy Magic (DDB)

    Order of Hibernation (Arcadia 2)

    Order of Scribes (DDB)

    School of Abjuration (DDB)

    School of Antiquities (Morgrave Miscellany)

    School of Conjuration (DDB)

    School of Divination (DDB)

    School of Enchantment (DDB)

    School of Evocation (DDB)

    School of the Fool [Trickery Domain] (Journey of the Godslayer)

    School of Hedge Magic (Journey of the Spiritwalker)

    School of Illusion (DDB)

    School of Living Spells (Archetypes of Eberron)

    School of Necromancy (DDB)

    School of Transmutation (DDB)

    Shipbreaker Magic (SGttM)

    War Magic (DDB)

There's a moment of sadness and regret.

What facet of the cosmopolitan culture of Sigil will you miss the most? (COMFORT/VICE)

That sparks a memory of enjoying your comfort/vice of choice with Horcrawft Thorsewilf. A real cutter. You can hear his words of wisdom now. "Every basher out here knows that real adventure ain't about racking up kills and hoarding treasure. It's all about the might of ideas and the majesty of the cosmos. At the same time, even the sharpest blade among us don't amount to much more than a cynical philosopher with a club. I've heard plenty of the chant but there ain't a blood alive or dead which knows the dark of the Sigil spell. Did'ya get that?" … What a guy.

How do you know Horcrawft Thorsewilf, adventurer for hire? (FRIEND)


You become aware of shackles on your ankle. It's coming back now... you were on a prisoner transport when the Eschaton occurred.

What offence (large or small, just or unjust) were you being punished for? (CRIME)

Which way does your moral compass point? (ALIGNMENT)

  • Law vs. chaos. Individual rights vs. for the betterment of the community. People are a product of their station and circumstances vs. I don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Anyone can be anything they want vs. I was born this way

  • Good vs. evil. Good things come to those that help themselves vs. kindness is its own reward. Pay it forward vs. the squeaky wheel gets the grease. What goes around comes around vs. it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Or perhaps your personality is better described as a flavor? (FLAVOR)

  • Six tastes: Salty, Umami, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy, Sour

There’s a lot of berks out there in the wide vastness of the multiverse. But you know you’ve got one thing that sets you apart from them all.

What’s your one absolutely unique to you thing? (UNIQUE THING)

A few moments pass… You open your eyes. The shackles seem to be missing, and blinking you look out across the shore... in the distance the sun is just on the horizon, the sky a deep red fading to purple and a crescent moon in the sky. The cove has a sandy beach a few miles across. After about 10 yards, the strip of dunes slopes gently upwards and gives way to a field of tall grasses bound on both sides by steep hills coated in large trees. The hills form a tightening valley that closes about a mile inland. To your left, near the center of the beach, a gently flowing stream reminds you of the taste of saltwater on your lips and the thirst in your throat. You also realize, there are others on the beach. What do you do?


Horcrawft Thorsewilf’s Planar Adventuring Advice in Four Volumes

“Surviving the planes on very little jink per day”

This battered copy has been broken into several pieces held loosely together with some grey adhesive strips from its heavy use as reading material, the essential companion while using the little planewalker’s room. Several pages are missing and someone has scrawled “DON’T PANIC” on the back cover.

Currently, At least 52 pages are missing and several pages are blank.

List of Volumes

This volume has been signed inside the front cover, “Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast. —H.T.“


Kylie’s Clues for the Clueless

Hey there stranger. You look a little lost. For a modest amount of jink I’ll get your brain-box screwed on right.


Scraps from the Factol’s Manifesto

Listen up, berk, ’cause I’m only going to tell it once. The book you’re holding is banned - outlawed by the Guvners, confiscated by the Hardheads, and burned by the Red Death whenever they find a copy. Fact is, the only factions who sanctioned this work were the Anarchists and the lndeps - and even they panned it once they discovered their own darks on display.

… [A large stain of ink blots out some text] …

My goal is none other than the continued safely of Sigil. I claim complete neutrality in the matter, though I’ll confess one fervent opinion: The Anarchists aren’t far off when they say greed and corruption form the underpinnings of the establishment. While some factions spin a web of self-serving secrecy, others openly strive for greater power. By exposing the heart of their philosophies and plans, this tome may help maintain precious balance. My detractors assert that such aspirations are not only dangerous but presumptuous. … [The rest of the page is torn] …

With Sigil now Shattered, it is clear the author, whoever they may be, failed in their mission, “the continued safety of Sigil.”

At least 11 pages are still missing…

Gaps Moogle’s Lonely Planar Ratings

The diverse planes offer adventure for everyone, prime or planar. Discover the homes of various powers and see unrivaled sights. Let Gaps guide you to the best watering holes and most compatible locations while steering you away from the more sketchy parts of the planes.

At least 36 pages are still missing…


Teldin Moore’s Crystal Sphere Charts

Teldin Moore didn’t ask to be an expert on the parts of the Material Planes accessible by spelljamming, the spelljamming life chose him. Simply indicated, Teldin’s charts reveal major orbits and significant inhabited communities in a variety of crystal spheres from first-hand experience.

At least 5 pages are still missing…

Woah Nebster’s Dictionary of Cager’s Cant

The main dictionary appears to be complete but features several blank pages for new terms to be added by the reader.

  • Addle-cove. A not particularly friendly way to call someone and idiot, as in, “Did you hear what that addle-coved wizard wanted us to do?” Also a noun: “He’s an addle-cove!”

    Anarchist. Another name for a member of the Revolutionary League.

    Anthill. City or town.

    Astral Conduit. A wormhole through the Astral Plane connecting the Prime Material Plane and the Outer Planes.

    Athar. A faction in Sigil, also called the Lost. Its members hold that there are no true powers. The local priests would like to see them get lost (see “lost”).

    Bang Around. To hang around, or spend idle time in. Between adventures, bashers sometimes “bang around the Cage.”

    Bar That. An almost-polite way to say “shut up,” or “don’t talk about that.” It’s quick, to the point, and can be used as a warning: “Bar that Janos, there’s Dustmen over there.”

    Barmy. Insane. As in, “The winds of Pandemonium’ll drive a body barmy if he stays too long.” Barmies are insane folks, especially those in Sigil, who’ve been “touched” by the impossible bigness of the planes.

    Basher. A neutral reference to a person, usually (but not always) a thug or fighter.

    Believers of the Source. A faction in Sigil, also called the Godsmen. They believe that everyone’s got the potential to be a power.

    Berk. A fool, especially one who got himself into amess when he should have known better.

    Birdcage. A cell, prison, or anything that compares to it.

    Bleak Cabal. A faction with despondent members and a view that says life is meaningless. Also known as the Bleakers, the Cabal, and the Madmen.

    Bleaknik. A Bleaker who expresses meaningless of world through Beatnik-style art.

    Blinds. The dead-ends of the Mazes, it also means anything impossible or hopeless, as in, “He’ll hit the blinds if he tries lying to the factol.”

    Blood. An expert, sage, or professional in any field. A champion gladiator can be a blood, as can a practiced sorcerer. Calling someone a blood is a mark of high respect.

    Bob. The business of cheating someone, whether it’s of their cash, honor or trust. Good guides in Sigil warn a cutter when someone’s bobbing him. Thieves boast that they “bobbed a leatherhead on the street.”

    Bone-box. The mouth, named because of its teeth, fangs, or whatever. “Stop rattling your bone-box,” is telling a berk to lay off the threats or bragging.

    Box. A rogue modron that has taken up residence in Sigil.

    Brain-box. This slang refers to a berk’s head, usually in a crude or uncomplimentary way, “Go soak your brain-box,” is a common idiom, while “He banged his fool brain-box on it” means a berk finally figured something (obvious) out.

    Bub. Booze, wine or ale — usually cheap and barely drinkable.

    Bubber. A drunk, especially if he, she or it has fallen on hard times. Bubbers don’t get any sympathy from most Cagers.

    Burg. Any town smaller than Sigil, in size or in spirit — at least that’s how folks from Sigil see it. Other bodies don’t agree.

    Cage, the. A common nickname for Sigil, used by locals. It’s derived from “birdcage,” so it’s a pretty harsh judgement on the place.

    Cager. A native or resident of Sigil.

    Canny. Smart or talented.

    Case. The house or place where a cutter lives. Has a positive connotation as a nice or decent place.

    Celestial. An intelligent being native to the Upper Planes. Includes aasimon, archons, eladrin, guardinals and more.

    Center of the Multiverse. A place that doesn’t exist; there is no true “center of the multiverse.” No matter where a body stands, he’s at the center of things (at least from his perspective).

    Chant, the. An expression that means news, local gossip, the facts, the moods or anything else about what’s happening. “What’s the chant?” is a way of asking for the latest information a basher’s heard.

    Chaosmen. A nickname for the Xaositects.

    Chiv. A weapon, usually something with a blade.

    Ciphers. A nickname of the Transcendent Order faction, used because most folks don’t know what they’re on about.

    Clueless, the. The folks who just don’t get it, usually primes. Use this on a planar and there’ll likely be a fight. Also an adjective, like calling someone a “clueless berk.”

    Color Pool. Portals on the Astral Plane that give access to the Prime as well as the Outer Planes.

    Conies. Victims of the cony-catchers.

    Cony-catchers. Con-men, tricksters or thieves looking for someone to peel.

    Cross-trade. The business of thieving, or anything else illegal or shady. “A cross-trading scum” is a thief who’s probably who’s probably angered the Mercykillers.

    Cutter. A complimentary term that refers to anybody, male or female. It suggests a certain amount of resourcefulness or daring, and so it’s a lot better than calling someone a berk.

  • Dark. Anything secret is said to be dark. “Here’s the dark of it,” is a way of saying “I’ve got a secret and I’ll share it with you.”

    Dead, the. Another name for the Dustmen.

    Dead-book. A body in the dead-book is dead. Some people have others “put in the dead-book.”

    Deader. Anyone in the dead-book.

    Defiers, Defilers. Another name for the Athar.

    Doomguard. A faction in Sigil that believes in entropy and decay. Also called the Sinkers.

    Dustmen, Dusties. One of the factions of Sigil. They believe everybody’s dead. Also called the Dead.

    Faction. One of the 15 philosophical groups that rule Sigil.

    Factioner. A general term for any faction member.

    Factol. The leader of a faction.

    Factor. One of the factol’s high-up advisers or a body who’s dedicated his life to the faction. Usually in the highest position of power in a faction, and often considered for the job of factol if the old one steps down or is otherwise removed.

    Factotum. A dedicated member of a faction.

    Fated, the. A faction that holds that if they’ve got something, it’s because it belongs to them. This doesn’t always sit well with others. Also called the Takers or Heartless.

    Feeding the Wyrm. The act of executing a prisoner. Specifically, a unique type of execution carried out by the Mercykillers, wherein they feed prisoners to a wyvern called the Wyrm.

    Fiend. Primarily refers to baatezu, gehreleths, hordlins, tanar’ri and yugoloths, but sometimes includes any intelligent being native to the Lower Planes (night hags, imps, quasits, and the like).

    Fraternity of Order. A faction in Sigil, also called the Guvners. They believe that knowing physical laws gives a cutter power over everything. Not the kind of folks to argue logic with.

    Free League. A faction whose members live their lives as they please, with no allegiance to others. Some folks figure that makes them untrustworthy right there, but they’re pretty useful as mercenaries. Also called the Indeps.

    Garnish. A bribe, as in “Give the irritating petty official a little garnish and he’ll go away.”

    Gate. Another term for a portal. All gates in Sigil are generally called portals. This term is also used in a general sense to describe any sort of passage between one plane and another.

    Gate-town. A burg on the Outlands that has a gate to another Outer Plane. Each plane has one gate-town, and the town often has the same basic appearance, outlook and attributes as the inhabitants, architecture, and terrain of the corresponding plane.

    Ghost. A prime who visits the planes via an astral spell. Since it involves little physical risk on the prime’s part, it’s often considered cowardly and even distasteful by planars (the prime hasn’t even deigned to come to the planes with his actual body). The term “cord babies” is also used, though less frequently.

    Give ‘em the Laugh. To escape or slip through the clutches of someone. Robbing a tanar’ri and not getting caught is giving it the laugh.

    Give the Rope. What happens to condemned criminals who don’t manage to give the law the laugh. Usually thieves are the only folks who use this term.

    Go to the Mazes. A idiomatic curse meaning “go away” and wishing a terrible fate upon the berk as well.

    Godsmen. Another name for the Believers of the Source.

    Graybeard. A sage or scholar. This term refers to the stereotypical wizened old man but can apply to any learned intellectual.

    Great Ring, Great Wheel. The Outer Planes, often depicted in maps and diagrams (which are often misleading) as a ring. This also refers to their infinite size, another allusion to the endlessness of a ring.

    Great Road. A series of permanent, always-active gates scattered throughout the Outer Planes. The Great Road connects all the Outer Planes, although the gates themselves are so spread out that it’s said it would take many lifetimes to walk the entire Great Road. A few of the gates are linked by paths, but most are not connected in any way.

    Gully. A potential victim of a peel, a gullible sod.

    Guvners. Another name for the Fraternity of Order faction or its members.

    Hardheads. Another name for the Harmonium faction or its members.

    Harmonium. A faction of the planes, also called the Hardheads. Its slogan could be, “Do it our way or no way.”

    Heartless, the. Another name for the Fated faction or its members.

    High-up. Powerful. This refers to a spell, position, or anything else with plenty of power that can theoretically be measured. Also a person of money and influence. Factols are high-ups. It’s bad form to call one’s self this; it’s a phrase others bestow.

    Hipped. Stranded. "Hipping the rube" means stranding someone by sending them through a one-way portal.

  • Indeps. Another name for the Free League faction or its members.

    Inner Planes. The Elemental Planes (Air, Earth, Fire, Water), Paraelemental Planes (Ice, Magma, Ooze, Smoke), Quasielemental Planes (Ash, Dust, Lightning, Mineral, Radiance, Salt, Steam, Vacuum), and Energy Planes (Positive and Negative). They are planes of elements and energy, as opposed to those of concepts and alignment.

    Jink. The goal of the poor: money or coin. “That’s going to take a lot of jink!” means an expensive bit of garnishing.

    Kip. Any place a cutter can put his feet up and sleep for a night, especially cheap flophouses in the Hive or elsewhere. To "call kip" is to make a place a body's home, at least for a while.

    Knight of the Post, Knight of the Cross-Trade. A thief, cheat and a liar — clearly not a compliment unless, of course, that’s what the basher wants to be.

    Lann. To tell or inform. See "well-lanned."

    Leafless Tree. The gallows, which is where some berks wind up after they’ve been scragged.

    Leatherhead. A dolt; a dull and thick-witted fellow. Use it to call someone an idiot. Also an adjective: “a leather-headed sod.”

    Lost. Dead. “He got lost” means he ain’t coming back without a resurrection.

    Lost, The. Another name for the Athar faction or its members.

    Lower Planes. Also called the dark planes, or nether regions — the Abyss, Acheron, Baator, Carceri, Gehenna, the Gray Waste, and Pandemonium, the planes of evil alignment. Fiends inhabit these dismal planes.

    Madmen, The. Another name for the Bleak Cabal faction or its members.

    Mazes, the. The nasty little traps the Lady of Pain creates for would-be dictators. It’s also come to mean any particularly well-deserved punishment, as in, “It’s to the Mazes for him and I can’t say I’m sorry.”

    Mark. To make not of something, as in “Spies guard the portal and mark who comes and goes.” To be marked is to be identified, as in “That berk was marked as a Guvner.”

    Mercykillers. A faction of Sigil that believes in absolute justice. Also called the Red Death.

    Minder. A bodyguard. As in, “He’s not so tough, but there’s a couple of minders watching over him.”

    Music. A price a cutter usually doesn't want to pay, but has to anyway. As in, “Pay the music, or you’ll never find your way out of here.” Not a literal amount.

    Namer. Someone who belongs to a faction in name only, paying lip service to its philosophy but not dedicated to its principles.

    Nick. To attack, cut, or strike someone, often used in threats. It’s also used to indicate inflicting other injury upon a sod, such as stealing from him, as in “I nicked him good, and got his chiv.”

    Out-of-touch. Outside of the Outer Planes. A body who’s on the Elemental Plane of Water is “out-of-touch.” This vernacular comes from Sigil, which is considered to be the center of the multiverse by those who adopted this phrase.

    Out-of-town. Like the phrase above, this one’s used by Cagers to describe a body who’s on the Outlands.

    Outer Planes. The Abyss, Archeron, Arborea, Arcadia, Baator, the Beastlands, Bytopia, Carceri, Elysium, Gehenna, the Gray Waste, Limbo, Mechanus, Mount Celestia, the Outlands, Pandemonium, and Ysgard. The planes of concept rather than Element.

    Outsiders. Clueless primes who don’t yet know how things work on the planes (and especially in Sigil).

    Park your ears. To eavesdrop, spy upon, or just simply listen intently. “He parked his ears in Hall of Speakers to keep up with the latest chant.”

    Path. Means of planar travel that requires physical movement. Commonly known paths include the rivers Styx and Oceanus, Mount Olympus, the World Ash Yggdrasil, and the Infinite Staircase of Ysgard.

    Peel. A swindle, con, or trick. It’s often used as a verb. Peeling a tanar’ri is usually a bad idea.

    Peery. Suspicious and on one's guard. What a basher should be if she thinks she’s going to get peeled.

    Petitioner. A mortal who has died and reformed on the plane of his alignment and/or deity without memory of his former life. A petitioner’s ultimate goal is to become one with the plane he’s occupying, although no one (not even the petitioner) knows the whole dark of this.

    Pike it. A useful, all-purpose rude phrase. “Take a short stick and pike it, bubber.”

    Pike off. To anger someone. As in, "Once he discovers he's been peeled, he's going to be really piked off."

    Planar. Any being native to a plane other than the Prime Material Plane. These are living beings, not petitioners.

    Planar Conduit. A wormhole-like connection that links two layers of the same plane, or (rarely) two layers of two different planes.

    Plane-touched. A planar crossbreed. Any offspring of a planar native and a human. Tieflings, aasimar, and genasi. Alufiends and cambions are also considered plane-touched.

    Planeswalker, Planewalker. A cutter who travels the planes looking for adventure, jink, or glory — a plane-traveling adventurer. Usually, to refer to someone as a planewalker carries a tone of some respect, for such individuals are considered capable, knowledgeable, and experienced.

    Portal. A doorway allowing passage to (and possibly from) another plane or location. These are alwys found in bounded spaces like archways, and always require a key. Also called gate. May be permanent or temporary, two-way or one-way.

    Power. A being of incredible might, drawing energy from those who worship it and able to grant spells to priests. Also called a deity or god. Someone a body shouldn’t ever mess with.

    Prime. The Prime Material Plane or someone from that plane. Also a single prime-material world.

    Proxy. A mighty servant of a power — usually a former mortal servant of the power.

  • Red Death. Another name for the Mercykiller faction or its members.

    Ride. An adventure, task, or undertaking. “What’s the ride today, boss?”

    Rube. A naïve or clueless person, but not necessarily a prime. Sometime this term’s used to describe any non-Cager.

    Rule of Threes. One of the fundamental rules of the multiverse: Things tend to happen in threes.

    Scan. Look, listen, or learn. “Scan this, berk.” can mean “listen up,” “look at this,” or “check this out.” “Scanning the chant” is learning the latest news.

    Scragged. Arrested or caught.

    Screed. A monotonous tirade, or someone who gives one. If used to refer to a person, it means someone who speaks at length without any real knowledge, or simply an argumentative person. As in “Don’t listen to him, he’s just a screed.”

    Sensates. Another name for the Society of Sensation faction or its members.

    Signers. Another name for the Sign of One faction or its members.

    Sign of One. A faction whose members figure that everybody is the center of his own universe. Also called the Signers.

    Sinkers. Another name for the Doomguard.

    Society of Sensation. A faction that believes life’s got to be experienced to be understood. Also called the Sensates.

    Sod. An unfortunate or poor soul. Use it to show sympathy for an unlucky cutter or use it sarcastically for those who get into their own messes. “Sod off, you sodding sod.

    Sodding. A derogatory term used to stress magnitude. “A sodding leatherhead.” is an amazingly stupid berk.

    Sparkle. Specifically a diamond, but also any gem.

    Spellslinger. A wizard.

    Spiv. An individual who lives by his wits (rather than having regular employment).

    Takers. Another name for the Fated.

    Thought Guild. An unflattering reference to a faction, used by those who dislike all the factions.

    Top-Shelf. Great or best, as in “The really top-shelf pubs are all in The Lady’s Ward.”

    Transcendent Order. A faction in Sigil. The formal name for the Ciphers, who believe that the truest responses occur when a body acts without thinking.

    Tumble to. To discover, figure out or discover something. “Tumble to the dark of a problem.”

    Turn stag. To betray somebody or use treachery. “Turn stag on me and you’ll end up in the dead book.” Saying “He turned stag” is about the worst thing that can be said about a cutter.

    Twig. To take a liking to, as in, “One particular deva twigged to the idea of interfering with the Blood War.” Or “The poor sod twigged to a knight of the cross-trade.”

    Unity of Rings. The theory that everything forms a logical ring of circular pattern of some kind, as illustrated by the Outer Planes in particular.

    Upper Planes. Arborea, Arcadia, the Beastlands, Bytopia, Elysium, Mount Celestia, and Ysgard. The good aligned planes.

    Vortex. A passage between an environmental extreme on the Prime Material and the corresponding Elemental Plane.

    Well-lanned. Connected, in-touch, or otherwise blessed with numerous friends, allies, and informants.

    Wigwag. To chat or talk.

    Xaositects. A faction in Sigil. Another name for them is the Chaosmen, which does a pretty good job of describing their point of view.

    Yawn, the. The state of being bored. "This place gives me the yawn."

  • Currently empty except for one hastily scribbled definition… these pages await new entries to be scrawled in as bodies hold court.

    Hold court. Sit on the throne. Use the john.

[[ META || For a method and more ideas about extending the use of in-game slang, see: Rhyming Slang (Wikipedia) ]]


Factol Haskar’s AxIoms of the Planes

These empty pages seem to fill in from time to time as the reader becomes aware of the laws governing the outer planes.

    1. Sigil is pronounced with a hard G, that’s how you can spot the clueless

    2. Greenbeard was once a planeswalking cutter until he took an arrow to the knee

    3. Peggy lost her eyestalks to her long-lost lover, a medusa

    4. There’s something wrong with Captain Vancouver

    5. Autognomes are vicious scavengers and have formed a trade alliance

    6. Ferrix is acting on the orders of the Cat Lord

    7. The interdimensional shackles fitted to the prisoners prevent escape through space and time

    8. A smoking branch or natural gold flakes can act as an arcane power key here

    9. It never gets bright here... Brux is the land of perpetual twilight. The other two layers of the Beastlands are perpetual day and night

    10. The Cat Lord is jealous of Bast, the cat-goddess of Merratet that lives in Ysgard near the Gates of the Moon

    11. Irvan Wastewalker is interested in Glasariad

    12. Ayo Jabe used to be a leading hunter of her town

    13. Maggie Keeneyes is smarter than she looks

    14. Alice wants to be hunted but is afraid to die

    15. Outside of the Prowl, there is a community of Al Kharak Elam to the north called Jhankal; the natives are protectors of the wilds

    16. Outside of the Prowl to the northeast is a Signer frontier post called Waysign

    17. Ayo’s crew has found a bottle with a ship inside it

    18. The Cat Lord moved her prowl to this location in search of a necklace

    19. The shadow beast gains its strength from what is inside of you

    20. Behind the waterfall is a hidden grotto

    21. Arturo wants to experience the hunt again

    22. The Manacles can be resisted

    23. Ayo’s crew also completed the trial of the moon

    24. The hidden grotto has secret chambers

    25. There’s a hidden passage beyond the shark’s lair

    26. The River Oceanus runs between multiple planes including the Beastlands

    27. Yggdrasil, the world tree, passes through the Beastlands

    28. The Wylders are a conservation group that cooperates with the al karak elam in Jhankhal

    29. The majority of the al karak elam venerate the Eagle Lord

    30. The Exandria Five are from Xhorhas in Wildemount on Exandria

    31. Glasariad is 200 years old but only started spellcasting recently

    32. The crew of the Spectrum is still missing

    33. The Spectrum lost its helm during the crash

    34. To spelljam around the outer planes, a Planar Plan is needed

    35. Xog’dradeth moved to the Beastlands from Hades

    36. A mysterious figure named Alyxian became ensnared after praying in the heart of a temple of evil and wants to be rescued

    37. Kalil went ahead to meat with Richtorin Valrieth

    38. The Inn in Waysign has come under new ownership

    39. Waysign sees many travelers passing through, with the few permanent residents always outnumbered by new visitors

    40. Eogan is looking for others to restore what has been lost

    41. The Sensates are building a new Festhall in Arborea

    42. Waysign has come under a strange ailment called the heartfire

    43. Falling out of Bed, a Somnian leader in Waysign, is missing

    44. Richtorin Valrieth is the undertaker of Waysign and in league with the Ashen King

    45. About the same time the blight began affecting residents, rumors began circulating about a cult to a so-called Ashen King

    46. The followers of the Ashen King using a sign of a flaming skull

    47. The seams between the planes and their layers are good locations for imagination

    48. The Ashen King has taken Falling out of Bed’s Key to the Imaginatory under the Bookhold Chapel

    49. Falling out of Bed saw Alyxian in a dream

    50. The manacles were forged in the Pit of Aroden

    51. The “Ashen King” is Captain Kalil Vancouver

    52. The library at the Bookhold Chapel is illusory

    53. The Believers of the Source have a headquarters at the Radiant Citadel in the Ethereal Plane

    54. Eogan is coordinating the formation of an alliance between the Godsmen and other like-minded factions

    55. Clowns may explode

    56. There’s an ambush zone in the bottle

    57. There’s a masterfully made invisible wall

    58. Ayo’s team is missing from the beach

    59. High tier clowns keep death cards

    60. Three ring shaped world are in the skies above the bottle

    61. The sand is moon dust

    62. The purple snake is the hair of another being

    63. There is a tomb lost to sand in the bottle desert

    64. Dermont Wurder comes from poverty and becoming an adventurer cost him a steep price

    65. There is a “ritual of regaining” related to the tomb of the sands

    66. The grave is empty, unusually dark but with a faint blue gray glow

    67. Found a history of the Elder Gods

    68. Xog’dradeth has a tattoo of a phrygian cap, a symbol of liberty

    69. Alyxian has revealed you to others, and is crying for your help

    70. Xog’dradeth is interested in releasing captives

    71. Jhankhal was recently visited by a large spelljammer shaped like a butterfly

    72. Omalag was a spell component poacher

    73. Feathers from the wings of Al Kalak Elam are valuable components in floating and flying magics

    74. Aelrindel was looking for his missing sister and wandered away from safety

    75. Jhankhal society is divided into foresters, rangers, nesters and tenders

    76. Not far from Jhankhal’s algae farms, a pack of wild boar has begun to act unusually

    77. Eagle’s Eye is concerned about secret followers of Aerdrie Fenya

    78. Jonaus the Suresighted wants to maintain the isolation and independence of Jhankhal

    79. Greenbeard has been taken captive by the Al Karak Elam

    80. Larry Smolioth can give you a “thunder lizard” safari

    81. The Al Karak Elam have a spelljamming helm somewhere in Jhankhal

    82. Greenbeard knows where the helm is

    83. The elf that was looking for Lyndarhae died by falling

    84. The boar near the farms had a moth on it

    85. The boar has a mark on the back of its skull

    86. The dead elf had a mark similar to the boar

    87. Lyndarhae was interested in Aerdrie Fenya

    88. The moths have a pattern that appears like the mark of Prince Xeleth

    89. A token of a local power can help you to adapt to the plane you are on

    90. Ninleyn and her rangers often caught dinosaur poachers

    91. Ninleyn was rewarded 250 electrum pieces

    92. Dinosaur poachers commonly carry firearms

    93. Jassin of the Al Karak Elam has a tattoo of a Phrygian cap

    94. Greenbeard has contacts at the Pit of Aroden

    95. Larry Smolioth has left Jhankhal

    1. The investigator into Lyndahrea was accidentally killed by a member of the Aerdrie Fenya group

    2. Eogan has a complex relationship with time

    3. Thimmamma was once a cruise ship

    4. Other groups are interested in removing shackles

    5. Maggie has identified a few movements: the second eschaton, the empire, restoration, dissent

    6. Signers are trying to imagine a power back to life

    7. Lyndahrea has 100 pieces of pain

    8. Irvan has been reborn before

    9. There are stowaways among the gathered passengers of the spectrum

    10. The astral elves are attacking material plane worlds with massive vines.

    11. Nothing is out of the reach of Dok-Oldar

    12. The dohwar are transporting vials of the "Gift of Lamin'r"

    13. "Jerry" Smolioth is willing to sell information on an easy score

    14. The adventurers are planning a heist for a stone from a museum

    15. Deltara Dragunstarr is spying on the adventurer group and wants to beat them to their prize

    16. The flumph navigator, Flapjack, witnessed the attack of the astral elves and his ship and crew were also taken captive as they escaped

    17. Squirt is a juvenile mimic

    18. “Benoto” is actually a psurlon

    19. The nautiloid was attacked by githyanki

    20. "Jaspar" is actually a neh-thalggu

    21. Oblex are man-eating demon oozes able to project prey they have consumed

    22. There are familiar markings on the walls of the nautiloid

    23. The Spectrum is BIG…really really Big

    24. The Oysters can produce Pearls

    25. There is a Druid Changelig on board

    26. A new brew is being developed from plants on the beastlands

    27. There may be more wearwolves on board

    28. Wearewolves can be turned in to…someone for a bounty

    29. Smolioth is not at Brux for Dinner

    30. The corpse of “Benoto” is floating in the wake of the Spectrum

    31. One of the mindflayers was wearing bracers of defense

    32. More information about the heist can be had at the Lock & Key at the Pit of Aroden

    33. The dead humans on the nautiloid had silver coins bearing a an eight-pointed star surrounding a pentagonal blossom on one side and the planar symbol of Arborea on the other

    34. The stickers Aimo bought from Dok-Oldar are more than stickers

    35. There is a spell scroll of wall of force in the Captain's chair

    36. The Pit of Aroden is a guard post manned by the Aurora Watch who prevent the evil found in the Heart of Man from escaping

    37. Eogan is fighting the “Second Eschaton” a new alliance of groups trying to end reality

    38. The “Second Eschaton” uses a familiar mark to identify it’s members

    39. Prolix Yusaf is a researcher spy for the Allegiance of Allsight

    40. Dok-Oldar has secured the remains of Aimo’s instructor that need to be laid to rest.

    41. An expedition from the Library of the Cobalt Soul is currently in the Heart of Man with an Aurora Watch escort.

    42. Aloysia of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream has been reprimanded for attempting to bribe the Aurora Watch.

    43. Aloysia of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream is looking for a holy relic hidden in the Heart of Man

    44. Question, a member of the Cobalt Soul, decided not to enter the Heart of Man with her team

    45. The temple was once dedicated to Avandra the Change Bringer, and was reconstructed here at Aroden by the first generation of Aurora Watch

    46. Foghome felt a warm kindly presence awaken in the Heart of Man, similar to the amulet of Alyxian

    47. Meera Raheer is a member of a secret organization called the Golden Vault

    48. The Lock & Key, hideout for the Golden Vault, disappeared after the party visited it

    49. Yucca wasn’t born, she was manifested

    50. Yucca is a manifestation of curiosity

    51. Nillik has taken a vow of not being a couple

    52. There are hidden doors leading to janitor closets

    53. Li’l squirt did not return to the temple from the museum

    54. Pressure plates in the museum set off alarms

    55. There’s a stone of similar size and weight in the second floor hallway

    56. There are magic weapons in one of the second floor displays

    57. There is another team planning a heist of the stone

    58. The other team is hiding weapons in stall number four

    59. There are stairs to the attic in stall number six

    60. The stone is on a pedestal linked to locks on the doors of the chamber it is in

    61. The stolen guard key ring has keys labeled for doors, alarms and animated armor among other things

    62. Duke left their post due to “shite” leadership

    63. Nilik killed their previous leadership

    64. There’s a trigger in stall number four

    65. The real stone was carried out of the room by Arlo Kettletoe

Found Fragments (Sigil Shards)

  1. “Pre-Mill 17: Message in a Bottle”

Maybe you can find a way to experience the memory contained within.