Episode XIII: Where the Feather Falls

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XIII


Having defeated OMALOG the cyclops, the party now finds themselves in the company of the young elven boy AELRINDEL. Meanwhile in JHANKHAL, home of the AL KARAK ELAM, shadowy forces work to divide the COUNCIL OF TWO WINGS.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

While Yuca tends to the poor elf boy and Nillik restores some health to Aimo, Bishop and Buttercup look through the possessions of Omalag. He had 3000 silver pieces, a backpack with two wings, a purchase order and his keepsake.

Along the way, a sharp eye catches sight of a spelljammer leaving from the direction of Jhankhal. They approach the forest home of the Al Karak Elam and as they draw near experience weightlessness.

They are met by a woman “nester” who takes them before the Council of Two Wings.

Jonaus the Suresighted: It seems like all the multiverse has come to roost among us these days… Let’s have our reports.

Eagle’s eye: Yes, I call to order our convocation under the wings of the great eagle Remnis. Sontar, I believe you had something of urgency?

Sontar: Our kelp farmers are reporting strange behavior by the nearby herd of boars. I request an inquiry by the foresters.

Jonaus: Ninleyn, will you investigate this matter?

Ninleyn: I’ll take a look, but to resolve it completely I may be shorthanded with the recent watch over the green one.

Jonaus: Jassin, have some of your rangers accompany Ninleyn

Jassin: I’ll do it my self. >>EYES EACH OTHER<<

Ninleyn: I’m sure your rangers are busy with the matter of the missing girl…

Jassin: A thorough search of her last known whereabouts, turned up this symbol

Eagle’s Eye: I knew it, thank you Jassin. Aerdrie’s followers must be behind this which means it falls to the nest weavers. Ehrendil, we will discuss this afterwards. And now, our last order of business… to thank those that returned Aelrindel to us.

Jonaus: Says, you have earned a place to nest among us. Be respectful of our ways, and we will respect your persons also.

After the council meeting, they are given a roost of their own and left free to explore.

Yuca goes to the Weaver’s Eyrie and borrows their brass basin for a ritual.

Buttercup visits the market to make some purchases and learns some interesting information from Larry Smolioth.

Aimo impresses the hunters and then meets with Jassin to join the group looking towards the boars…

The Score

The Chant

  1. Omalag was a spell component poacher

  2. Feathers from the wings of Al Kalak Elam are valuable components in floating and flying magics

  3. Aelrindel was looking for his missing sister and wandered away from safety

  4. Jhankhal society is divided into foresters, rangers, nesters and tenders

  5. Not far from Jhankhal’s algae farms, a pack of wild boar has begun to act unusually

  6. Eagle’s Eye is concerned about secret followers of Aerdrie Fenya

  7. Jonaus the Suresighted wants to maintain the isolation and independence of Jhankhal

  8. Greenbeard has been taken captive by the Al Karak Elam

  9. Larry Smolioth can give you a “thunder lizard” safari

  10. The Al Karak Elam have a spelljamming helm somewhere in Jhankhal


  1. 3000 silver

  2. Omalag’s Keepsake

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