Episode VI: On the Edge of Night

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode VI


After a strange encounter with the mysterious ALYXIAN, the party recovers and continues overland through the dangerous wilds of BRUX towards WAYSIGN in search of signs of the crew of the SPECTRUM, its SPELLJAMMING HELM and a PLANAR PLAN.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

The party awakes to meeting the so-called, Companions of Kalil. They journey into town with the party, while having a kind of suspicious conversation with each other. The party learns a little about Kalil and about Waysign, and Mish gives the Party some clues for the clueless.

As they come into Waysign, the Companions break off to take care of their own business and leave the party to find their way in the town.

Aimo and 44 head off to the Bookhold Chapel, while the other three head directly to the Inn.

Sister Luceria was just locking up the Chapel. An imposing figure, the paladin of Deneir has come to Waysign to track down the source of a sickness, the heartfire blight. Aimo is still a suspect… She decides to continue her inquisition with the leaders of Waysign, the Pariliament of Crows that meets at the Darkalley Inn.

Meanwhile at the Inn, the party settles in and gets drinks at the bar. There’s a poster behind the bar indicating the new ownership.

Yucca is approached by Splop, a frogfolk who challenges her to a game of chance and loses horribly. On his dejected way out the door he lets out a small cough.

It’s about that time that Sister Luceria enters the Inn with Aimo and 44 in tow. Reuniting with the other members of the party and sharing knowledge learned, the party is invited into the conversation with the Parliament of Crows. They learn that one of the members, a Somnian called “Falling out of Bed” has gone missing.

As they are talking, the Inn comes under attack by teal burning zombies and a priest of flame.

The Score

The Chant

  1. Kalil went ahead to meat with Richtorin Valrieth

  2. The Inn in Waysign has come under new ownership

  3. Waysign sees many travelers passing through, with the few permanent residents always outnumbered by new visitors

  4. Eogan is looking for others to restore what has been lost

  5. The Sensates are building a new Festhall in Arborea

  6. Waysign has come under a strange ailment called the heartfire

  7. Falling out of Bed, a Somnian leader in Waysign, is missing


Lokus Grim’s Keepsake (Shillelagh, Heroism, Haste)

Eogan’s Keepsake (Word of Radiance, Divine Favor, Crusader’s Mantle)

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