Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXIII


Music box in hand, the party undertakes their first mission for the GOLDEN VAULT. A mysterious stone is more than it first appears to be, but saving the day will require a certain amount of subtlety.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

Examining the music box, Yucca finds celestial writing indicating five positions by the key hole, and then the key has writing that only she sees describing a specific combination of right and left turns. The five positions are

1: Briefing

2: Recon

3: Mission

4: Drop

5: Reward

Turning the key with the indicated sequence and ending at “briefing”, a small drawer opens, containing a sealed envelope and five corsages. The seal on the envelope is the symbol that was found on the outside of the Lock & Key. Opening the envelope, it contains 5 gala tickets, a map and a letter with a briefing in short:

These are the relevant facts:
- A few weeks ago a furrowed, light-green stone was found at a dig in the Murkmire and has been put on display at the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural History.
- It’s actually the egg of an eldritch horror.
- The egg will likely hatch at some point during the gala accessed using the gate key in the golden vault.
- Your mission is to steal the egg before it hatches, and once safely away, return the egg via the golden vault’s drop access.
- You can use the gate key to access the museum during the day before the gala to reconnoiter its security.
- The curator will have a list of security patrol details in her office in the eastern wing on the first floor.
- The museum enforces a dress code. Use the corsages to dress formal.
- There’s a return gate at the alley between the museum and the Sage’s Quill tavern. To activate, use the phrase “there’s no place like home”
- The egg must not be damaged or destroyed.
- Should you be successful the reward includes a bag of holding and 500 gold worth of coins for each member of the team.

Each member dons a Corsage of Formality and does a sailor transform into formal wear. Turning the key to “Recon“, the music box lid lights up. Opening the box, the party enters the museum.

The party splits up to gather information and finds a page (Arborea), secret doors used as janitor closets between the exhibits… then Tarsheva sets off an alarm and the party finds themselves back at the temple in the Pit of Aroden.

The Score


  1. Yucca wasn’t born, she was manifested

  2. Yucca is a manifestation of curiosity

  3. Nillik has taken a vow of not being a couple

  4. There are hidden doors leading to janitor closets

  5. Li’l squirt did not return to the temple from the museum

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