Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXII


Arriving at the PIT OF ARODEN, the party is faced with many possible paths and threads. The local AURORA WATCH to holds corruption at bay, while others willing to risk the threats found on the body of the dead god, ARODEN, work to extract knowledge and profit.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The leader of the Aurora Watch approaches and offers a reward at the barracks.

Eogan reveals that his vision of restoration is being opposed by the SECOND ESCHATON, a disparate movement of various groups working towards the destruction of all things. He hands a page that describes how one could join the Godsmen and get involved.

The tiefling researcher is looking for hints inside the stomach of the vrock. With some assistance from Yucca he retrieves a puzzle box, and the party gains Eyes of the Eagle. Prolix is actually here to spy on a member of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream.

At the Barracks, Aimo is challenged to a fight and readily handles the member of the Aurora Watch, winning a Keepsake

At the War Room, the leader of the Aurora Watch gives information about the current status of affairs, the mission of the Aurora Watch, and a reward of 1,000 Aroden Gold Coins.

After the visit to the Barracks, they go to the Lock & Key, a building with subtle signage in a partially abandoned part of the Pit.

Meera delivers the team a music box and key and then shows them the door.

As they leave the building, the Lock & Key is no longer there, and the sign is missing from the signpost like it had never been there.

On the way to the temple, Aimo is met by a representative of Dok-Oldar… package delivered for 200gp covered by Nilik. Contents: the urn of the remains of the instructor of Aimo that he had murdered, and can now lay to rest.

At the timeworn temple, the tender, a druid named Foghome tells the party about the history of this temple, his feeling of warmth from the Heart of Man and a vision he had…

You see a young human, curls plastered to his brow by sweat, sinking to his knees in the garden. His eyes betray a lack of sleep, and despite the softness of his features, he looks like he has experienced more pain than any one person should bear. “They’re counting on me,” he whispers. “They need me, but I’m exhausted and frightened. What do I do? Please. Someone tell me—what do I do?”

The moons race across the sky, soon replaced by the angry red sun that rises before a fateful battle. Five silhouettes approach the temple, and one claps the kneeling figure on the back. Their voices are muffled, as if coming at you through water, but you see them embrace, standing strong, before marching off to war.

Foghome then performs a druidic ritual to lay Aimo’s instructor to rest.

The Score


  1. The Pit of Aroden is a guard post manned by the Aurora Watch who prevent the evil found in the Heart of Man from escaping

  2. Eogan is fighting the “Second Eschaton” a new alliance of groups trying to end reality

  3. The “Second Eschaton” uses a familiar mark to identify it’s members

  4. Prolix Yusaf is a researcher/spy for the Allegiance of Allsight

  5. Dok-Oldar has secured the remains of Aimo’s instructor that need to be laid to rest.

  6. An expedition from the Library of the Cobalt Soul is currently in the Heart of Man with an Aurora Watch escort.

  7. Aloysia of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream has been reprimanded for attempting to bribe the Aurora Watch.

  8. Aloysia of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream is looking for a holy relic hidden in the Heart of Man

  9. Question, a member of the Cobalt Soul, decided not to enter the Heart of Man with her team

  10. The temple was once dedicated to Avandra the Change Bringer, and was reconstructed here at Aroden by the first generation of Aurora Watch

  11. Foghome felt a warm kindly presence awaken in the Heart of Man, similar to the amulet of Alyxian

  12. Meera Raheer is a member of a secret organization called the Golden Vault

  13. The Lock & Key, hideout for the Golden Vault, disappeared after the party visited it

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