Episode VII: Falling out of Bed

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode VII


The party arrives in WAYSIGN only to find it succumbing to a strange illness called the HEARTFIRE BLIGHT and the leadership in disarray. The members of the PALIAMENT OF CROWS race to find the source and extinguish it before this small hamlet is lost.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

We rejoin the party with the town of Waysign recovering from the brazen attack by the fire priest Eogan uses lay on hands to restore Bishop to health and then moves on to help others. Mncedisi, local representative of the Signers approaches the party with offers of a reward for finding and rescuing the missing leader, Falling out of Bed… after a rest.

The party takes a good rest and then comes downstairs for breakfast. Conversing with the local staff they meet Peggy again who has been working the kitchen to pass the time. She initially headed this direction with Captain Vancouver but got separated along the way.

After promising to meet again back at the Spectrum, the party crosses the town square to the local provisioner where they meet Mncedisi again to claim the initial portion of their reward and pick up a kit of Kylie’s basics. Mncedisi informs the party that Richtorin is the local undertaker.

As they head out from the shop they are confronted by Sister Luceria who accuses them of the death of Splop before continuing her investigation back at the Bookhold Chapel. The party heads to the cemetery.

After some tense diplomacy with Richtorin, the party manages to convince him that they are part of the cult and proceed to the Waysign Crypt. They arrive to find the Companions of Kalil in the process of raising dead fire zombies… as well as the captured somnian, Falling out of Bed. After an intense battle, the party has captured the Companions!

The Score

The Chant

  1. Richtorin Valrieth is the undertaker of Waysign and in league with the Ashen King

  2. About the same time the blight began affecting residents, rumors began circulating about a cult to a so-called Ashen King

  3. The followers of the Ashen King using a sign of a flaming skull

  4. The seams between the planes and their layers are good locations for imagination


Goblet of Fire (Sacred Flame, Hellish Rebuke, Fireball)

Kylie’s Basics (x5)

1000 silver pieces

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