Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXI

Fragmented Memory

The former prisoners of the SPECTRUM continue to explore the recesses of the abandoned NAUTILOID. Articles discovered within raise new questions and the party must decide their next steps.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The party finishes off the powerful neh-thallagu… searching it’s nest they discover a strange crystal.

Searching the remainder of the ship they also discover a scroll of Wall of Force.

Regrouping on the Spectrum, the group makes plans as they plot a course for Aroden. Flapjack explains the principles of Spelljammer navigation.

It turns out the “Pit of Aroden” is a settlement found in the armpit of the dead god, Aroden.

Landing in the spelljammer port, they’ve only just disembarked when the settlement comes under attack from gibbering mouthers and a vicious vrock.

The captain of the guard, a drow warrior, orders his troops to protect civilians…

And one of those “civilians” turns out to be Eogan accompanied by a scholarly tiefling.

The Score


  1. There is a spell scroll of wall of force in the Captain's chair

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