Shattered Sigil: The Pitch


Genre & themes: Planar exploration, the “ridiculous,” philosophy and ethical issues

Truths & changes: With Sigil shattered, the multiverse is out of balance

Challenges & conflicts: As the old order passes, various groups vie to put their vision for the new order… what sides you choose to join or disrupt is up to you.

Some session zero notes:

  • Experience points: XP will be earned by making discoveries, not milestone or kills.

  • Character creation resources: You may use unofficial sources published by major 3rd party content creators (i.e. has been through a thorough playtesting cycle) with permission. Note: This does come with a risk that if it is found to be broken in some way you may need to change something in the future.

  • Safety Tools

    • Lines and veils. “You can play Kirk but we’ll keep explicit sexual scenes off camera.” While violence necessarily will be on camera, “cruelty” such as torture, harm to children/tame animals will be off camera. Please privately message me if you have others and I’ll share the complete list anonymously.

    • Potentially disturbing themes: Suspense and possible horror. Bad guys will be bad. Character death.

  • “Safe words”

    • If things are making you uncomfortable, say: “Pause please”

    • I’m open to ideas for dealing with unacceptable plot lines. Use “What if instead…”

    • If I’m ranting, remind me: “The stakes are low”

  • Some rule clarifications:

    • Xanathar’s Tools proficiencies. Check out this section for some neat ideas.

    • No hero dice or inspiration every session. That was part of Eberron.

    • Inspiration. Inspiration can be given and shared. Inspiration grants advantage. Want to try “MVP gets inspiration.”

    • About One D&D. (○) Unarmed strike. (☓) d20 Tests/Inspiration.

  • More clarification…

    • Open rolls please.

    • Please track your hit points, gold, consumables, slots, features and spell components*. If there are areas of your character sheet that you aren’t sure about, please feel free to ask and we’ll look at it together. (Planescape has special rules for spell components that we’ll discover as we play)

    • You can choose to use encumbrance, point buy instead of the standard array, and hit die rolls when leveling.

  • There are three rules about PvP.

  • Supplemental Reading: ALL of Appendix B and Appendix C of the PHB are “spoiler free” Planescape content. Chapter 2 of the DMG is almost entirely spoiler-filled Planescape content so please avoid if you like surprises. I will be drawing heavily on various adventure books and adopting them as well, especially adventures on DNDBEYOND.

  • For players interested in running sessions as a DM:

    • We will have a worskshop in Novemberish. The session budget (XP, Treasure). Templates.

    • Xanathar’s Shared Campaigns/Adventurer’s League rules will not be used.

The shape of D&D Campaigns is a yam.

Let’s remember what it is to be Tier 1 again. A wide multiverse awaits powerful heroes, but you need to get through the basic training first. Local issues need someone to deal with them (someone needs to clear out the cellar of rats) and you must learn to do, not try.

Tier 1 according to the Player’s Handbook

Tier 1 according to the Dungeon Master’s Guide

So with those things in mind… let’s go create a character.

Inspirational sources:

Guardians of the Galaxy, Oceans 11, Terry Pratchet, Plato, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Augustine, Calvin and Hobbes, Calvin, Hobbes, Hunger Games, Red Dwarf, Indiana Jones, Scooby-do, Star Trek (original series), Doctor Who

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