

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXV


Part Deux

…. Basically everything is chaos …

  1. Duke left their post due to “shite” leadership

  2. Nilik killed their previous leadership

  3. There’s a trigger in stall number four

  4. The real stone was carried out of the room by Arlo Kettletoe

Also probably should have awarded dark for seeing the Curator making off with the other team… but we don’t know about how they are or aren’t connected at the moment,,,

The Score


  1. Duke left their post due to “shite” leadership

  2. Nilik killed their previous leadership

  3. There’s a trigger in stall number four

  4. The real stone was carried out of the room by Arlo Kettletoe

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXIV


Recon underway, can the party successfully retrieve the eldritch horror egg from the VARKENBLUFF MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. What other groups could also be trying to retrieve the artifact?

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The team conducts another session of reconnaissance on the museum and discovers:

  1. Pressure plates in the museum set off alarms

  2. There’s a stone of similar size and weight in the second floor hallway

  3. There are magic weapons in one of the second floor displays

  4. There is another team planning a heist of the stone

  5. The other team is hiding weapons in stall number four

  6. There are stairs to the attic in stall number six

  7. The stone is on a pedestal linked to locks on the doors of the chamber it is in

  8. The stolen guard key ring has keys labeled for doors, alarms and animated armor among other things

The Score


  1. Pressure plates in the museum set off alarms

  2. There’s a stone of similar size and weight in the second floor hallway

  3. There are magic weapons in one of the second floor displays

  4. There is another team planning a heist of the stone

  5. The other team is hiding weapons in stall number four

  6. There are stairs to the attic in stall number six

  7. The stone is on a pedestal linked to locks on the doors of the chamber it is in

  8. The stolen guard key ring has keys labeled for doors, alarms and animated armor among other things

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXIII


Music box in hand, the party undertakes their first mission for the GOLDEN VAULT. A mysterious stone is more than it first appears to be, but saving the day will require a certain amount of subtlety.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

Examining the music box, Yucca finds celestial writing indicating five positions by the key hole, and then the key has writing that only she sees describing a specific combination of right and left turns. The five positions are

1: Briefing

2: Recon

3: Mission

4: Drop

5: Reward

Turning the key with the indicated sequence and ending at “briefing”, a small drawer opens, containing a sealed envelope and five corsages. The seal on the envelope is the symbol that was found on the outside of the Lock & Key. Opening the envelope, it contains 5 gala tickets, a map and a letter with a briefing in short:

These are the relevant facts:
- A few weeks ago a furrowed, light-green stone was found at a dig in the Murkmire and has been put on display at the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural History.
- It’s actually the egg of an eldritch horror.
- The egg will likely hatch at some point during the gala accessed using the gate key in the golden vault.
- Your mission is to steal the egg before it hatches, and once safely away, return the egg via the golden vault’s drop access.
- You can use the gate key to access the museum during the day before the gala to reconnoiter its security.
- The curator will have a list of security patrol details in her office in the eastern wing on the first floor.
- The museum enforces a dress code. Use the corsages to dress formal.
- There’s a return gate at the alley between the museum and the Sage’s Quill tavern. To activate, use the phrase “there’s no place like home”
- The egg must not be damaged or destroyed.
- Should you be successful the reward includes a bag of holding and 500 gold worth of coins for each member of the team.

Each member dons a Corsage of Formality and does a sailor transform into formal wear. Turning the key to “Recon“, the music box lid lights up. Opening the box, the party enters the museum.

The party splits up to gather information and finds a page (Arborea), secret doors used as janitor closets between the exhibits… then Tarsheva sets off an alarm and the party finds themselves back at the temple in the Pit of Aroden.

The Score


  1. Yucca wasn’t born, she was manifested

  2. Yucca is a manifestation of curiosity

  3. Nillik has taken a vow of not being a couple

  4. There are hidden doors leading to janitor closets

  5. Li’l squirt did not return to the temple from the museum

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXII


Arriving at the PIT OF ARODEN, the party is faced with many possible paths and threads. The local AURORA WATCH to holds corruption at bay, while others willing to risk the threats found on the body of the dead god, ARODEN, work to extract knowledge and profit.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The leader of the Aurora Watch approaches and offers a reward at the barracks.

Eogan reveals that his vision of restoration is being opposed by the SECOND ESCHATON, a disparate movement of various groups working towards the destruction of all things. He hands a page that describes how one could join the Godsmen and get involved.

The tiefling researcher is looking for hints inside the stomach of the vrock. With some assistance from Yucca he retrieves a puzzle box, and the party gains Eyes of the Eagle. Prolix is actually here to spy on a member of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream.

At the Barracks, Aimo is challenged to a fight and readily handles the member of the Aurora Watch, winning a Keepsake

At the War Room, the leader of the Aurora Watch gives information about the current status of affairs, the mission of the Aurora Watch, and a reward of 1,000 Aroden Gold Coins.

After the visit to the Barracks, they go to the Lock & Key, a building with subtle signage in a partially abandoned part of the Pit.

Meera delivers the team a music box and key and then shows them the door.

As they leave the building, the Lock & Key is no longer there, and the sign is missing from the signpost like it had never been there.

On the way to the temple, Aimo is met by a representative of Dok-Oldar… package delivered for 200gp covered by Nilik. Contents: the urn of the remains of the instructor of Aimo that he had murdered, and can now lay to rest.

At the timeworn temple, the tender, a druid named Foghome tells the party about the history of this temple, his feeling of warmth from the Heart of Man and a vision he had…

You see a young human, curls plastered to his brow by sweat, sinking to his knees in the garden. His eyes betray a lack of sleep, and despite the softness of his features, he looks like he has experienced more pain than any one person should bear. “They’re counting on me,” he whispers. “They need me, but I’m exhausted and frightened. What do I do? Please. Someone tell me—what do I do?”

The moons race across the sky, soon replaced by the angry red sun that rises before a fateful battle. Five silhouettes approach the temple, and one claps the kneeling figure on the back. Their voices are muffled, as if coming at you through water, but you see them embrace, standing strong, before marching off to war.

Foghome then performs a druidic ritual to lay Aimo’s instructor to rest.

The Score


  1. The Pit of Aroden is a guard post manned by the Aurora Watch who prevent the evil found in the Heart of Man from escaping

  2. Eogan is fighting the “Second Eschaton” a new alliance of groups trying to end reality

  3. The “Second Eschaton” uses a familiar mark to identify it’s members

  4. Prolix Yusaf is a researcher/spy for the Allegiance of Allsight

  5. Dok-Oldar has secured the remains of Aimo’s instructor that need to be laid to rest.

  6. An expedition from the Library of the Cobalt Soul is currently in the Heart of Man with an Aurora Watch escort.

  7. Aloysia of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream has been reprimanded for attempting to bribe the Aurora Watch.

  8. Aloysia of the Consortium of the Vermillion Dream is looking for a holy relic hidden in the Heart of Man

  9. Question, a member of the Cobalt Soul, decided not to enter the Heart of Man with her team

  10. The temple was once dedicated to Avandra the Change Bringer, and was reconstructed here at Aroden by the first generation of Aurora Watch

  11. Foghome felt a warm kindly presence awaken in the Heart of Man, similar to the amulet of Alyxian

  12. Meera Raheer is a member of a secret organization called the Golden Vault

  13. The Lock & Key, hideout for the Golden Vault, disappeared after the party visited it

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XXI

Fragmented Memory

The former prisoners of the SPECTRUM continue to explore the recesses of the abandoned NAUTILOID. Articles discovered within raise new questions and the party must decide their next steps.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The party finishes off the powerful neh-thallagu… searching it’s nest they discover a strange crystal.

Searching the remainder of the ship they also discover a scroll of Wall of Force.

Regrouping on the Spectrum, the group makes plans as they plot a course for Aroden. Flapjack explains the principles of Spelljammer navigation.

It turns out the “Pit of Aroden” is a settlement found in the armpit of the dead god, Aroden.

Landing in the spelljammer port, they’ve only just disembarked when the settlement comes under attack from gibbering mouthers and a vicious vrock.

The captain of the guard, a drow warrior, orders his troops to protect civilians…

And one of those “civilians” turns out to be Eogan accompanied by a scholarly tiefling.

The Score


  1. There is a spell scroll of wall of force in the Captain's chair

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XX

A New Twilight

Back in BRUX, the party regroups to consider their options while other former-prisoners of the SPECTRUM have managed to gain some new information. While some things have returned to the way they were, others have been altered.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

Regrouping on the shore, the party determines to return to the “easy score” and collect the goods. Aimo notices Irvan has an injury on his arm through the manacle return and says he would like to share his secret when they get a chance.

They take a quick stopover at Brux for Dinner, where Aimo convinces the heist crew to back off the job and then together with 44 they get information about the new job from Deltara who tells them they can find out more at the Lock & Key at the Pit of Aroden.

Aimo purchases some gold star stickers from Dok-Oldar that may be more than they appear to be.

Back on board, Aimo shares his secret with Irvan, and they exchange burdens (trinkets). (Irvan’s Trinket: Dancing Lights/Heroism/Counterspell)

At the Nautiloid, another ship is currently raiding the ship. The Spectrum hides among the astroids and they move off. Once the coast is clear the party boards the ship and discovers some of the cargo.

The episode ends with the party mid combat with the neh-thelaggu they fought before, as 44 suffers a flashback to the previous brain slurping.

The Score


  1. Smolioth is not at Brux for Dinner

  2. The corpse of “Benito” is floating in the wake of the Spectrum

  3. One of the mindflayers was wearing bracers of defense

  4. More information about the heist can be had at the Lock & Key at the Pit of Aroden

  5. The dead humans on the nautiloid had silver coins bearing a an eight-pointed star surrounding a pentagonal blossom on one side and the planar symbol of Arborea on the other

  6. The stickers Aimo bought from Dok-Oldar are more than stickers

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XVIII.V


The crew has boarded the Spectrum and now, with the Planar Plan and a new Navigator, heads out on its first mission.  But all is not well aboard the Spectrum, strange happenings have been occurring all over the ship. It is up to the new crew to discover what is going on and keep themselves safe.  Who knows what kinds of people are aboard with our travelers.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

We meet four new crew members in the Spectrum dining lounge. The bartender informs the party of a spectral tentacle he encountered below decks and someone who may know more about it.

The party ascends to the boughs of Thimmamma to gather more information. A certain Hadozee tells us of a similar strange occurrence in the oyster cave in the lower decks.

A thri-kreen is trying to make pearls… suddenly we also experience the strange occurrence… there’s a mirror that can swallow us up and a druid companion chasing down werewolves.

The party dispatches the werewolf pack, and fellow ship members that have become werewolves are torn through space and time by the manacles as they fall.

The Score


  1. The Spectrum is BIG…really really Big

  2. The Oysters can produce Pearls

  3. There is a Druid Changelig on board

  4. A new brew is being developed from plants on the beastlands

  5. There may be more wearwolves on board

  6. Wearewolves can be turned in to…someone for a bounty

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XIX



In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The party picks up exploring the derelict nautiloid. Buttercup discovered an illithid spyglass and an Ioun Stone of Reserve.

Investigation turned up markings on the walls of a familiar symbol. Duke and 44 got to work on getting the crew to extract the broken catapults and ballistae from the forward decks of the nautiloid.

The split party reaches the “cell block” and encounters an oblex, while the other half discovers a neh-thalggu in the kitchen. The neh-thallgu destroyed Duke and 44, and the manacles pulled on the party

The Score


  1. "Jaspar" is actually a neh-thalggu

  2. Oblex are man-eating demon oozes able to project prey they have consumed

  3. There are familiar markings on the walls of the nautiloid

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XVIII


Now with FLAPJACK to serve as a navigator and information on an easy score in hand, the party ventures out into the expanses of the ASTRAL SEA. Below decks, former prisoners settle into life on the SPECTRUM, but not everyone is who they appear to be.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

After some initial observations at Brux for Dinner, including the monitoring by the Astral Elves and making a deal with the port master (10 electrum pieces to secure a berth), the party boards and heads for the “easy score” given to them by “Jerry”

As they approach, a weary human calls out from the deck… “Come help me! I need some help and my friends are hurt! My name is Benoto… we came here to pick up treasure from an easy score when we were attacked by Neogi and left for dead.” …

Aimo pulls Benoto onto the Spectrum with his gravity effects and his true form, a deadly psurlon is revealed!

Bishop makes quick work of the foe…

Exploring the ship they encounter four more psurlons. A brief but intense struggle later, they manage to search the bodies and find a complete copy of Kylie’s Clues for the Clueless.

There’s still much to explore on this ship! …

The Score


  1. “Benoto” is actually a psurlon

  2. The nautiloid was attacked by githyanki

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XVII


Arriving in the ASTRAL SEA, the crew of the SPECTRUM lacks a NAVIGATOR able to operate the PLANAR PLAN. Fortunately, the nearby BRUX FOR DINNER appears to be the kind of hive of scum and villany where one could hire such talent, and possibly find some leads for adventure as well.

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

As the Spectrum approaches the strange structure, a space mollymawk takes flight and lands. The changeling druid drops wildshape and blends in…

Aimo approaches Irvan and encourages him to act on his feelings…

Look, I’m not sure its time… look at this scrawny frame and patchy beard… I just wish I was a little more… masculine I guess.

Have you ever had a secret so precious that you’re afraid that if your friend found it out and it would change your relationship forever and so you try keep your friendship shallow, like keep a certain amount of distance, because you don’t want to mess up what could be a beautiful friendship. But at the same time you end up just continuously self-sabotaging yourself…

I wasn’t always like this. I was once a bugbear. I lived and had a whole life. And then I was consecrated, reborn as, Irvan Wastewalker…

Just before Aimo can open up, they pull up into port. Lyndarhea tries to pay the port fees but her cash is not accepted.

As they enter the bar a group of dohwars waddle past them in a hurry. One bumps against the door frame and drops a strange vial.

A thri-kreen band plays atmospheric synthwave. Inside the cantina they find a number of interesting patrons…

Flapjack is looking for a new crew and ship after his was captured by Astral Elves while escaping the destruction of another world. Flumphs are telepathic but cannot themselves be read.

“Jerry” Smolioth has an easy score: dumped cargo that’s just waiting for pickup.

Lyndarhea almost gets into deep trouble as she tries to make new friends.

Dok-Oldar is able to trade cash for the pieces of pain. Buttercup negotiates a rate of 2 for 1 plus half of the haul for their upcoming score.

The reigar is interested in finding a crew to pull off a heist before the adventuring party can get to it.

Things nearly go sideways when Aimo goes to talk to the group. Instead they go upside-down. Sudden motion causes the security to react.

But then each group tensely watches the other carefully leave the premises. Smolioth’s “tab” is paid with exchanged cash and Buttercup is given astral sea coordinates on a coaster.

The Score

The Chant

  1. Lyndahrea has 100 pieces of pain

  2. Irvan has been reborn before

  3. There are stowaways among the gathered passengers of the spectrum

  4. The astral elves are attacking material plane worlds with massive vines.

  5. Nothing is out of the reach of Dok-Oldar

  6. The dohwar are transporting vials of the "Gift of Lamin'r"

  7. "Jerry" Smolioth is willing to sell information on an easy score

  8. The adventurers are planning a heist for a stone from a museum

  9. Deltara Dragunstarr is spying on the adventurer group and wants to beat them to their prize

  10. The flumph navigator, Flapjack, witnessed the attack of the astral elves and his ship and crew were also taken captive as they escaped

  11. Squirt is a juvenile mimic

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XVI


PLANAR PLAN and SPELLJAMMING HELM in hand, the way has been cleared to reach for the stars. In the ASTRAL PLANE, will this new crew manning the SPECTRUM explore strange new worlds? Will they seek out new life or new civilization?

In this vast realm of thought from among the dead gods, ALYXIAN calls out seeking aid from his plight. The ASTRAL ELVES gather power from across the multiverse. Forges able to break PLANAR MANACLES burn brightly in the PIT OF ARODEN.

Without SIGIL maintaining balance, forces are rallying beings from across the planes to respond to the conflicting calls of LAW and CHAOS, GOOD and EVIL, RESTORATION and DESTRUCTION.

The party reunites on the edge of Jhankhal and considers their next moves. Lyndahrea reveals that the dead investigator was an accident. It is decided that they should go through Waysign to pick up Peggy. Waysign is strange in that it seems Captain Vancouver had never come. They decide to visit the graveyard and meet Eogan there who hints there’s others who have a complex relationship with time since the Shattering.

Returning to the Spectrum, the rest of the crew is at hand. Ayo’s crew shares about things they have discovered. Ayo is comforted by Buttercup. The party decides that Yuca would make a good Spelljammer pilot.

The camera pans to another group of adventurers on the Spectrum having a discussion about the nature of the Astral Plane.

Feliz: “I’ve been a planewalker for a few years now, Tarsheva,”While not terribly interested, Tarsheva motions for him to go on. “Yes?”

Feliz: “Well, I’ve traveled through a number of gates and portals, and been to a bunch of the planes. I’ve even used an astral conduit or two. But I’ve never really been to the Astral Plane to speak of.” Felliz’s normally confident bearing was wrinkled with feelings it was unaccustomed to - conscience, guilt, and possibly humility.

Tarsheva: “Uh huh.”

Feliz: “Look, I don’t care about your condescending concern. I just want your help. I know you know the chant about the githyanki and the Astral, and I want you to lann me.”

He glared at her with sullen eyes. Just for a moment, she met his gaze.

Tarsheva: “Fine. What do you want to know?”

Feliz: “The githyanki. Tell me more about them. I’m met up with some githzerai, but I’ve heard the githyanki are different in a few -”

Tarsheva (interrupting): “Very different, but they’re not your first, or even your main, concern if you’re going to the Astral Plane. By the gods, they’re not even natives. Just settlers who called kip there years ago. No, my friend, you’ve got to learn about how the plane works first.”

Feliz: “I’m listening.”

Tarsheva: “Ever been to a play?” Lifts her cup to her mouth.

Feliz: “Sure. I’ve even been in a few. I did some time with a group of traveling actors in Ysgard. We once -”

Tarsheva: “Then you can tumble to what backstage means.”

Feliz: “Of course.”

Tarsheva pushed her long blonde hair away from her face. The scar revealed near her temple served to punctuate her words - an effect she was well aware of and used when making important, but complicated points. “It’s not entirely inaccurate to think of the Astral Plane as the backstage of the multiverse.”

Feliz: “Huh?” Dropping all pretense of erudition.

Tarsheva: “The multiverse is the stage. It’s where things happen. It’s what folks are supposed to see. The Astral is in the background. It’s not something anyone was ever supposed to see. No one was ever supposed to go there. It isn’t a there at all. No space, no time, nothing.”

Feliz: “Wait a minute. Back up. The Astral Plane isn’t part of the multiverse?”

Tarsheva: “Not really. It’s the place in between.”

Corgz: “In between what?”

Holmes: “Everything.” 

Corgz: “How can anything - let alone a whole infinite plane – be between everything?” 

Holmes: “Simple. The Astral’s not a place. It has nothing to do with space at all. It’s a realm of the mind. That’s why even though there is no distance to measure or space to occupy, it appears that there is. It’s all a matter of perspective - or rather, perception. The mind sees distance, feels space around it, and perceives what it thinks is a plane. In fact, it’s not really a plane at all. It’s not a plane, it has no space - it is the absence of space, the absence of a plane. It is the void between all true spaces.”

Feliz: “So, it’s just in my head?”

Holmes: “There’s no gravity, no up or down, and no north or south. A body moves through space just as she moves her arm - simply by thinking about it. There’s no air to breathe, but there’s no need to breathe, either (or eat, for that matter) - but a body still needs to sleep, since this is a function of the mind. The Astral is virtually always deafeningly quiet and disturbingly still. No wind, no noise, and no obvious signs of life present themselves to the newcomer. Only if a body shows up near a conduit will she see anything move. Conduits appear as long, spectral tubes winding out of sight in either direction. They vibrate, pitch, and whip about, as if responding to an unseen, unfelt wind. There’s also color pools, energies on the edge of comprehension, monstrosities, dead gods and more. But there’s no space. Only mind: thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions and dreams.”

Merriq: “’Course, this applies only to the endless reaches of the Silver Void. On one of the strange astral islands or on the body of a dead god, things might very well work differently. If it feels like there’s gravity, then things work as though gravity’s there. Like so many things on the Astral Plane, everything operates just like it seems it should. Some might say intuition is a governing law of reality on the Astral.”

Pandaman: nods gravely.

Feliz: “So no space… what about time?”

Merriq: “No time either. Leatherheads who learn this fact immediately think of the Astral as a way to cheat time. Go to the Astral, wait a few thousand years, and then go back to their home plane, they think. The catch is, it doesn’t work like that. When a visitor to the Astral leaves, all of the time that he missed instantly catches up with him. This means that if a 20-year-old human woman enters the Astral and stays for 50 years, she remains 20 the whole time in the Silver Void, but she instantly ages 50 years upon leaving, becoming a 70-year-old woman. Returning to the Astral Plane does not allow her to

regain her youth, either. While time does not pass on the Astral (although the perception of time does exist), it does in the rest of the multiverse, and time can’t be cheated.”

Holmes: “Most bashers don’t eat while on the Astral because no one gets hungry there. When time catches up after leaving the plane, a body’s usually real hungry - though no one’s ever died of starvation, myself included. But if a basher has been poisoned in some way, it does not affect him until time catches up with him. In other words, the sod had better take care of deadly poison before leaving the Astral or it will put him in the dead-book before he can blink. Also, the body can’t heal naturally. If a berk gets nicked, then the wound will bleed almost naturally - at first. Once the damage is done, however, the wound will not scab up or heal in any way. Instead, the cut will gape open, weeping blood and causing great annoyance, pain, and perhaps disgust to the berk. The only way to heal wounds of any kind on the Astral is by magic. So, if a body plans to travel to the Astral, then he should remember to bring along a few healing spells and potions.” 

Feliz: “Combat must be odd…” 

Pandaman: nods gravely.

Corgz: “Speaking of magic…”

Pandaman: nods gravely.

The camera pans away.

They Spelljam to the Astral Sea, and then find they do not know how to operate the Planar Plan. Fortunately, nearby is an astroid with some structure on it, about two dozen Spelljammers docked to it, including an Astral Elf moth ship.

The Score

The Chant

  1. The investigator into Lyndahrea was accidentally killed by a member of the Aerdrie Fenya group

  2. Eogan has a complex relationship with time

  3. Thimmamma was once a cruise ship

  4. Other groups are interested in removing shackles

  5. Maggie has identified a few movements: the second eschaton, empire, restoration, dissent

  6. Signers are trying to imagine a power back to life

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XV

When Pigs Fly

JHANKHAL is under attack! A LEGION of boars stampedes through the skies towards the upper canopy of BRUX. Spelljamming ASTRAL ELVES have infiltrated the society of AL KARAK ELAM and are spreading confusion threatening their very existence. A young girl is missing and one forester is dead. NINLEYN, leader of the RANGERS and charged with protection of the town is nowhere to be found.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

Jassin and Aimo rush back to Jhankhal to restore him from the effects of the Beastlands. Eagle’s Eye provides him with a Plume of Remnis.

Meanwhile, the threat of the massive herd of boars and the Lord of Boars approaches… The party arrives and has a short rest, while gathering information and observing preparations. Jassin arrives offering them an option… join in the fight against the Lord of Boars, or investigate Ninleyn’s quarters. The party splits with Nillik and Bishop going with Jassin to the front lines…

And Buttercup, Yucca and Aimo going to Ninleyn’s Quarters. Turns out she’s a little bit of a collector.

Unfortunately, she herself has been infested by the moths. The combat ranges back and forth between two scenes… Nillik goes down after drawing the attention of the Lord of Boars away from the town, but comes back up to finish off the beast. Meanwhile, combatting waves of swarms of moths, Yuca gets the final blow with arms of hadar taking off Ninleyn’s head. Searching her quarters turns up many interesting items and facts.

As they pack up, Lyndahrea shows up and requests that Buttercup take her with them. She “has coin” and wants to get as far away from here as possible.

Aimo, dealing with the shocking death of Ninleyn collapses… and meets Snitches. Snitches wants to go along with Aimo to see a lot of new things.

The Score

The Chant

  1. A token of a local power can help you to adapt to the plane you are on

  2. Ninleyn and her rangers often caught dinosaur poachers

  3. Ninleyn was rewarded 250 electrum pieces

  4. Dinosaur poachers commonly carry firearms

  5. Jassin of the Al Karak Elam has a tattoo of a Phrygian cap

  6. Greenbeard has contacts at the Pit of Aroden

  7. Larry Smolioth has left Jhankhal

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Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XIV


All is not right among the AL KARAK ELAM. The reclusive winged elves face simultaneous threats of outside influence from SPELLJAMMING SHIPS, spell component bounty hunters, strangely acting boars, missing girls, and the CULT OF AERDRIE FAENYA. Can our heroes sort out these mysteries and earn a SPELLJAMMING HELM, or will they need to take other measures?

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

The camera pans down on a moth, leading us in a path past all the characters as they begin the adventure. We see as Yuca completes her ritual of Find Familiar, in the background, preparations are underway for a funeral. We see Buttercup walking away from Lionel Smolioth with wheels turning. We see Aimo’s demonstration to the watching people of Jhankhal. We see Nillik… looking for and finding Greenbeard. Greenbeard messages that he knows where they've got the helm, and if they help him escape he can help them steal the helm… All that’s needed is a distraction to have the guards leave the post.

Jannis shares his concern for the town and also lets the party know about the funeral… that the elf was investigating the missing girl and

The investigation of the boars begins at the farms of Jhankhal. A boar is floating in the air, stuck charging against a tree. In elvish it repeats, “We are legion.” Yuca hits the boar with a mind sliver, jolting off a moth and causing the boar to fall asleep. Moth gets splattered.

At the farms, we also meet Aelrindel again, searching for his sister. He admits that she was expressing interest in Aerdrie Fenya. He hopes she hasn’t gotten in too deep.

Following the direction the boar left they head out into the woods. As they leave Jhankhal they lose the ability to fly. They encounter another group of boars, also with moths, and the strange mark on the back of their heads. Aimo loses his Charisma save after crushing a moth and… turns into one.

The Score

The Chant

  1. Greenbeard knows where the helm is

  2. The elf that was looking for Lyndarhae died by falling

  3. The boar near the farms had a moth on it

  4. The boar has a mark on the back of its skull

  5. The dead elf had a mark similar to the boar

  6. Lyndarhae was interested in Aerdrie Fenya

  7. The moths have a pattern that appears like the mark of Prince Xeleth

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Episode XIII: Where the Feather Falls

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XIII


Having defeated OMALOG the cyclops, the party now finds themselves in the company of the young elven boy AELRINDEL. Meanwhile in JHANKHAL, home of the AL KARAK ELAM, shadowy forces work to divide the COUNCIL OF TWO WINGS.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

While Yuca tends to the poor elf boy and Nillik restores some health to Aimo, Bishop and Buttercup look through the possessions of Omalag. He had 3000 silver pieces, a backpack with two wings, a purchase order and his keepsake.

Along the way, a sharp eye catches sight of a spelljammer leaving from the direction of Jhankhal. They approach the forest home of the Al Karak Elam and as they draw near experience weightlessness.

They are met by a woman “nester” who takes them before the Council of Two Wings.

Jonaus the Suresighted: It seems like all the multiverse has come to roost among us these days… Let’s have our reports.

Eagle’s eye: Yes, I call to order our convocation under the wings of the great eagle Remnis. Sontar, I believe you had something of urgency?

Sontar: Our kelp farmers are reporting strange behavior by the nearby herd of boars. I request an inquiry by the foresters.

Jonaus: Ninleyn, will you investigate this matter?

Ninleyn: I’ll take a look, but to resolve it completely I may be shorthanded with the recent watch over the green one.

Jonaus: Jassin, have some of your rangers accompany Ninleyn

Jassin: I’ll do it my self. >>EYES EACH OTHER<<

Ninleyn: I’m sure your rangers are busy with the matter of the missing girl…

Jassin: A thorough search of her last known whereabouts, turned up this symbol

Eagle’s Eye: I knew it, thank you Jassin. Aerdrie’s followers must be behind this which means it falls to the nest weavers. Ehrendil, we will discuss this afterwards. And now, our last order of business… to thank those that returned Aelrindel to us.

Jonaus: Says, you have earned a place to nest among us. Be respectful of our ways, and we will respect your persons also.

After the council meeting, they are given a roost of their own and left free to explore.

Yuca goes to the Weaver’s Eyrie and borrows their brass basin for a ritual.

Buttercup visits the market to make some purchases and learns some interesting information from Larry Smolioth.

Aimo impresses the hunters and then meets with Jassin to join the group looking towards the boars…

The Score

The Chant

  1. Omalag was a spell component poacher

  2. Feathers from the wings of Al Kalak Elam are valuable components in floating and flying magics

  3. Aelrindel was looking for his missing sister and wandered away from safety

  4. Jhankhal society is divided into foresters, rangers, nesters and tenders

  5. Not far from Jhankhal’s algae farms, a pack of wild boar has begun to act unusually

  6. Eagle’s Eye is concerned about secret followers of Aerdrie Fenya

  7. Jonaus the Suresighted wants to maintain the isolation and independence of Jhankhal

  8. Greenbeard has been taken captive by the Al Karak Elam

  9. Larry Smolioth can give you a “thunder lizard” safari

  10. The Al Karak Elam have a spelljamming helm somewhere in Jhankhal


  1. 3000 silver

  2. Omalag’s Keepsake

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Episode XII: The Wings of Lost Innocence

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode XII

The Wings of Lost Innocence

PLANAR PLAN in hand, the party now seeks a SPELLJAMMING HELM. The EXANDRIA FIVE and crew of the SPECTRUM remain missing, and all is not well in JHANKHAL, home to the insular AL KARAK ELAM.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

The camera comes down on a butterfly that is swept along the beach by a breeze, passing by the bottled up members, 44 working on their mech, Dermot alone, and the original crew before being eaten by Yuca.

The party stops by Thimmamma to gather some blue milk and then heads out across the wilds of Brux in search of Jhankhal, home of the winged elves.

Along the way, a sharp eye catches sight of a spelljammer leaving from the direction of Jhankhal.

They also encounter Xog’dradeth, who makes his appeal to the party once more. Xog’dradeth it seems has also had a dream of Alyxian.

A little further along, they happen across a cyclops with a young elf, wings removed, in tow. The party fights and defeats the cyclops…

The Score

The Chant

  1. Xog’dradeth has a tattoo of a phrygian cap, a symbol of liberty

  2. Alyxian has revealed you to others, and is crying for your help

  3. Xog’dradeth is interested in releasing captives

  4. Jhankhal was recently visited by a large Spelljammer shaped like a butterfly

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All Bottled Up (Recap)

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

all bottled up (recap)

Part I

Our adventurers started on the calm, soothing beach of the beast lands. Their manacle pulling them back from some of the adventures already had. As Nillik went to collect wood for a raft, the other team members heard a sinister laughing that emanated from a bottle nearby their campfire and upon inspection, they found themselves in a greyish-blueish mist around their campfire. Upon being crumbled and “slurped” the team found themselves on a Lifesize Ship in a Bottle!

After some inspection and KOs of our favorite goblin clowns and one huge and heartbroken Cyclops, the team finds themselves rescuing a tied-up member of Exandria Dermot Wurder!

Part II

After learning what had happened to Dermont’s team, they find the tip of an obelisk buried in the sand as well as a slight gold glowing from Barry’s body. After a thorough Investigation, the team found themselves retrieving Barry’s Lips and heading off to the destiny that ties them so.

A dust storm follows their movements ever so slightly as they run into strangers that declared themselves “L” and “Q”. These strangers eventually are found to be members of the ICP (Interstellar Clown Posse) when a gigantic Purple Snake burrows its way out of the ground!

As the clowns run and our heroes understand the snake’s confusion, we come to find that the snake was the Hair of a God. This dramatic discussion ends with the snake burrowing and the team lost in the sandstorm. As the team looks for shelter, they find a Tomb Lost to the Sands, Which inhabits both a plethora of information as well as skeletons. While one group aims to awaken the god below, the other aims to make a new one.

Either way, Fate has found our heroes once again and the strings pulls ever so slightly once more.

Part III

     As our heroes uncover the history of this odd place, will they also uncover the cause of their doom? Fated as they are, our heroes found clues leading to a group (named the interstellar clown posse) trying to modify themselves into the creation of a god! This, along with a mass of souls leads our clueless wanderers to only imagine the true needs of creating a god…

Surely I only jest, but will our adventurers survive another episode?

As we concluded the adventure of ALL BOTTLED UP we found ourselves in the Tomb Lost to Sand. Qli found herself hearing and notifying the team of a gargoyle somewhere in the tomb. This prompt notification was enough to send the team heading down to the floor below.

As the team headed down (or tumbled/ sludged down the walls), we found Qli and Michel fighting a gargoyle above that of a glass floor. As the fight continued, the floor started to crack and gave way to the gargoyle, which fell into a tesseract-shaped object below. The gargoyle found itself being promptly turned inside out and finally shredded to pebble sized pieces. After a conclusion to this combat, the team started to observe the room they found themselves in. This room held six containers that were initially connected to the sarcophagus in the middle of the room, but were promptly disconnected by the group. As disconnections were made, all except one container started to quickly drain a blueish grey mist that was immediately discovered to be condensed souls.

This finally led our team towards the eventual reading of the runes on the sarcophagus (using newly found Elder Runic Knowledge) as well as gathering what seems to be a multiverse compass…

The runes tell of a story of the first elder god.

     This elder god, although immortal, found itself bored and eventually created a second god. This second God was created in the likings of the first, but made mortal in hopes that the second may help the first understand the meaning of an immortal life.

The second eventually found itself concerned for its own life and started the journey to gaining immortality. After Centuries had passed, the second found itself with the insight of immortality.

     The runes continues to describe this story as the second god taking a piece of brain from the first and consuming it. Although it did not give the second god immortality, it did give an extension to their life.

     The runes continue to run on the other sides of the sarcophagus, as we find the story of the dead king that is presumed to be in the sarcophagus.

After this discovery, Penelope and Michel push the sarcophagus lid off, cracking the glass and exposing a dark, empty sarcophagus. Penelope is struck by a shadowy hand that flies upwards. Qli follows this shadow as Michel and Dermont break the glass, sending the columns and sarcophagus into the tesseract.

With the amount of matter that the tesseract consumes, it starts to become unstable, and the tomb shakes as our heroes desperately try to find an escape.

Our heroes search around as the Purple Snake (Hair of a God) bursts through a wall, entangling itself in the tesseract and being thrown through the opposing wall. With our team trying their hardest to find a way out, the tesseract continues its instability and immediately whips the tomb and most of our heroes, causing death to all.

The Shackles pull but are somehow stopped as all are pulled back through an odd endless white office with faceless workers writing the scripts of their current journey, then to the exterior of a carnival tent. As our heroes gain consciousness, they find a knife at their necks and are forced to observe the jester (a weak and frail middle-aged faceless man) rejoicing at being in the universe where the heroes finally fail! He completes a ritual by eating a golden object and slitting his throat and starts to fade away, that is, until he refuses to die. His soul pulls back into his body and forms into a shape of shadow resembling a jester. Surprised by the failed ritual, all start to see a new god rise in the distance. This god (thanks to the golden lips held by Qli) is immediately known to be the mime Barry re-risen, who is now known as Berry, the Elder God of Blasphemy. The jester promptly vows to hunt our heroes down in every universe and slaughter them for once again keeping him from true freedom. This ends with the jester snapping his fingers and our team being executed and pulled back by the shackles to the shores of the beast lands.

Upon arriving, our team notices an immediate difference in the multiverse compass and notices that Nillik’s mask looks different…

The consequences of our heroes failure might not be known, but The strings of fate continue to pull…

The Score

  1. Chant: 13

  2. Axioms: 2

  3. Pages: 2

  4. Total: 3340 + 1230 = 4570

The Chant

  1. Clowns may explode

  2. There’s an ambush zone in the bottle

  3. There’s a masterfully made invisible wall

  4. Ayo’s team is missing from the beach

  5. High tier clowns keep death cards

  6. Three ring shaped world are in the skies above the bottle

  7. The sand is moon dust

  8. The purple snake is the hair of another being

  9. There is a tomb lost to sand in the bottle desert

  10. Dermont Wurder comes from poverty and becoming an adventurer cost him a steep price

  11. There is a “ritual of regaining” related to the tomb of the sands

  12. The grave is empty, unusually dark but with a faint blue gray glow

  13. Found a history of the Elder Gods

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Episode VIII: The Ashen King

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode VIII


Having defeated the COMPANIONS OF KALIL and rescued FALLING OUT OF BED, the party now faces a choice of how to proceed. Will they help the residents of WAYSIGN extinguish the HEARTFIRE BLIGHT by crushing the cult of the ASHEN KING?

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

Falling out of Bed reveals that he has had dreams of Alyxian.

“A vision came to me last night. A golden amulet rose to the surface of a pool of blood, and countless hands lunged upward out of the blood to grasp it. In turn, all the hands fell back into the pool until only one remained. The one whose hand claimed the amulet was a handsome man with curly hair and a somber expression. He turned to me and said, ‘They must find me. The ones from the glade.’ Tell me, did anything happen to you in that place that would help me understand this vision?”

Now I too am chained as you are… these manacles were forged in the Pit of Aroden and its one of the few places I can think of where tools could be found to remove them. Please retrieve the tools so I can be free as well.

Furthermore and most pressing, is that The Ashen King has taken Falling out of Bed’s key to the Imaginatory under the Bookhold Chapel and is performing a ritual that could threaten all of existence.

The party shakes down their captives, the Companions of Kalil and discovers a recruitment page for the Xoasitects.

They meet Eogan who has taken care of the undertaker above and accompanies the party to the Bookhold Chapel to defeat the Ashen King.

Beneath the Chapel in the Imaginatory, the party faces off with Captain Kalil Vancouver who is working the Second Eschaton. Defeating the mind-bending horrors of the Imaginatory, the party recovers the Planar Plan.

The Score

The Chant

  1. The Ashen King has taken Falling out of Bed’s Key to the Imaginatory under the Bookhold Chapel

  2. Falling out of Bed saw Alyxian in a dream

  3. The manacles were forged in the Pit of Aroden

  4. The “Ashen King” is Captain Kalil Vancouver

  5. The library at the Bookhold Chapel is illusory

  6. The Believers of the Source have a headquarters at the Radiant Citadel in the Ethereal Plane

  7. Eogan is coordinating the formation of an alliance between the Godsmen and other like-minded factions


The Planar Plan

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Episode VII: Falling out of Bed

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode VII


The party arrives in WAYSIGN only to find it succumbing to a strange illness called the HEARTFIRE BLIGHT and the leadership in disarray. The members of the PALIAMENT OF CROWS race to find the source and extinguish it before this small hamlet is lost.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

We rejoin the party with the town of Waysign recovering from the brazen attack by the fire priest Eogan uses lay on hands to restore Bishop to health and then moves on to help others. Mncedisi, local representative of the Signers approaches the party with offers of a reward for finding and rescuing the missing leader, Falling out of Bed… after a rest.

The party takes a good rest and then comes downstairs for breakfast. Conversing with the local staff they meet Peggy again who has been working the kitchen to pass the time. She initially headed this direction with Captain Vancouver but got separated along the way.

After promising to meet again back at the Spectrum, the party crosses the town square to the local provisioner where they meet Mncedisi again to claim the initial portion of their reward and pick up a kit of Kylie’s basics. Mncedisi informs the party that Richtorin is the local undertaker.

As they head out from the shop they are confronted by Sister Luceria who accuses them of the death of Splop before continuing her investigation back at the Bookhold Chapel. The party heads to the cemetery.

After some tense diplomacy with Richtorin, the party manages to convince him that they are part of the cult and proceed to the Waysign Crypt. They arrive to find the Companions of Kalil in the process of raising dead fire zombies… as well as the captured somnian, Falling out of Bed. After an intense battle, the party has captured the Companions!

The Score

The Chant

  1. Richtorin Valrieth is the undertaker of Waysign and in league with the Ashen King

  2. About the same time the blight began affecting residents, rumors began circulating about a cult to a so-called Ashen King

  3. The followers of the Ashen King using a sign of a flaming skull

  4. The seams between the planes and their layers are good locations for imagination


Goblet of Fire (Sacred Flame, Hellish Rebuke, Fireball)

Kylie’s Basics (x5)

1000 silver pieces

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Episode VI: On the Edge of Night

Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode VI


After a strange encounter with the mysterious ALYXIAN, the party recovers and continues overland through the dangerous wilds of BRUX towards WAYSIGN in search of signs of the crew of the SPECTRUM, its SPELLJAMMING HELM and a PLANAR PLAN.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse. 

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

The party awakes to meeting the so-called, Companions of Kalil. They journey into town with the party, while having a kind of suspicious conversation with each other. The party learns a little about Kalil and about Waysign, and Mish gives the Party some clues for the clueless.

As they come into Waysign, the Companions break off to take care of their own business and leave the party to find their way in the town.

Aimo and 44 head off to the Bookhold Chapel, while the other three head directly to the Inn.

Sister Luceria was just locking up the Chapel. An imposing figure, the paladin of Deneir has come to Waysign to track down the source of a sickness, the heartfire blight. Aimo is still a suspect… She decides to continue her inquisition with the leaders of Waysign, the Pariliament of Crows that meets at the Darkalley Inn.

Meanwhile at the Inn, the party settles in and gets drinks at the bar. There’s a poster behind the bar indicating the new ownership.

Yucca is approached by Splop, a frogfolk who challenges her to a game of chance and loses horribly. On his dejected way out the door he lets out a small cough.

It’s about that time that Sister Luceria enters the Inn with Aimo and 44 in tow. Reuniting with the other members of the party and sharing knowledge learned, the party is invited into the conversation with the Parliament of Crows. They learn that one of the members, a Somnian called “Falling out of Bed” has gone missing.

As they are talking, the Inn comes under attack by teal burning zombies and a priest of flame.

The Score

The Chant

  1. Kalil went ahead to meat with Richtorin Valrieth

  2. The Inn in Waysign has come under new ownership

  3. Waysign sees many travelers passing through, with the few permanent residents always outnumbered by new visitors

  4. Eogan is looking for others to restore what has been lost

  5. The Sensates are building a new Festhall in Arborea

  6. Waysign has come under a strange ailment called the heartfire

  7. Falling out of Bed, a Somnian leader in Waysign, is missing


Lokus Grim’s Keepsake (Shillelagh, Heroism, Haste)

Eogan’s Keepsake (Word of Radiance, Divine Favor, Crusader’s Mantle)

Click here to go back to the Shattered Sigil Hub.


Sigil has shattered in the Milling

No one could foresee what happened next…

Episode V


Having left the PROWL and THIMMAMMA behind, our five party members travel overland through the dangerous wilds of BRUX towards WAYSIGN in search of signs of the crew of the SPECTRUM, its SPELLJAMMING HELM and a PLANAR PLAN.

The twilight woods of BRUX are alive, and many players have set in motions events with far reaching consequences. Travelers from afar bring tidings, and their missions to this remote corner of the multiverse.

Meanwhile, groups throughout the multiverse are left reeling by the effects of the ESCHATON, even as some see an opportunity to force their vision of how things should be across all of existence...

After burning the corpses of the hyenas and taking a well deserved rest, the party wakes up to some strange effects of the Beastlands.

The party then continues their trek across the jungles of Brux. Buttercup is able to get a good vantage and sees from left to right:

Tall trees/mountains < thinning forest with blank expanse nearer < heading towards thinning forest with horizon beyond > Deeper darkness of the night realm > stormy mountains > possible volcano

Towards the end of a day of travel Aimo discovers they’ve been tracked by a multi-tailed fox. Slipping away to interact with it, he discovers a strange person:

Before you appears a young man with Asian features, his perfectly manicured nails glint in the fading light of the moon and his milky complexion is accented by delicate red eye shadow and succulently glossed lips.

My name is Xog’dradeth. I understand your surprise to see a yugoloth such myself in this plane of goodness… Haven’t you heard? Sigil is gone… and with it the rules keeping us in our old places. I’ve come to the beastlands to turn a new leaf… I have a problem though. Will you hear me out? How delightful. So very few are willing to hear my tale.

There is a town called Corpus in the Grey Wastes of Hades, Although much of my kind has moved on to Gehenna, we do retain some presence there. I happen to be quite well connected with the powers that be in Gehenna, if you take my meaning. Unfortunately in my hurry to fit in here, I left behind something of great worth. I'm writing a series of books, a body of literature if you will...I had just finished the appendix but I'd so very like to retrieve my work. The problem is that I'm here, I have a new life. I don't think I could ever go back. If you could retrieve the appendix from Corpus I'd be most obliged. Perhaps I could assist you if you ever needed a "fiend in high places" when you visit the lower planes.

There is trouble brewing in the wider multiverse. The older structures have fallen away. … I for one think we can do away with the way things were… wouldn’t you say? But there are those that would enforce a certain order on everyone else. They were always there before, but with Sigil gone and the Lady of Pain missing… I’ve heard word that there are also those looking for freedom. What are the chains that bind you I wonder?

If we’re going to truly throw off the chains, we will need friends.

Aimo reacts very neutral and in the end, Xog’dradeth bids him fairwell, disappearing back into the jungle as a kitsune.

The next “day” of travel, Yucca navigates and fails a constitution save when tasting the water of the stream. After the second day of travel, the party settles in for a rest. During the last watch, darkness closes in around the team and pushes them towards a gleaming altar. Approaching it, it fades and in its place, a fierce Aniwye, a giant creature that appears to be part skunk and part wolverine. As the battle rages, bones come together and gain flesh forming small cadaver sprites.

Defeating their foes, the altar reappears. On it, a strange amulet. upon reaching out to take it, the party has a vision.

The light around the pedestal fades as a spectral figure in the form of a male human rises from the amulet. He is dressed in leather armor and a tattered red cape and wears a shield. His face is framed by curly brown hair and bears a melancholic expression. He pleads, “I am imprisoned. Please help me.”

Suddenly, the ground vanishes beneath your feet, and you fall, tumbling through a vortex of golden light. You fall deeper, deeper, deeper, then suddenly stop. The golden light subsides, and you find yourself suspended in a pitch-black expanse. You feel water buoying you. A vermilion light appears in the distance, illuminating the melancholy warrior, who is shackled to the ground by disgusting strands of a fleshy, crimson substance.

He raises his gaze to the heavens and, sobbing, chokes out, “Moon Weaver, I beg of you. Guide those with the power to save me to the site where first I prayed to you.” He looks around, and his eyes settle on you. “Oh, gods, there you are! My name is Alyxian. I am lost in darkness. Long ago, I prayed to the Change Bringer in the heart of a temple of evil. I beg you, take my jewel and…”

You feel consciousness leaving you, as if the pressure of the water were crushing the life out of you. Alyxian’s voice is the last thing you hear before you pass out. “Save me. Please.”

The Score

The Chant

  1. Xog’dradeth moved to the Beastlands from Hades

  2. A mysterious figure named Alyxian became ensnared after praying in the heart of a temple of evil and wants to be rescued


Alyxian’s First Prayer

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