アドベント2020 8日 マタイ 2:2

アドベント2020 8日 マタイ 2:1-2




“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

It’s kind of an extension to yesterday, but there are people that wonder how the magi were led by the star. Some say it was a comet or some astronomical phenomenon. They wonder how the Red Sea parted before Moses, or how Jonah survived in a fish, and so on and so on. It is of course a good thing to meditate on. However, if we get too caught up in trying to explain away miracles through natural occurrences we lose sight of what the Bible is really trying to tell us.

The gospels start with come and see. The gospels end with go and tell. Let’s remember our calling and the content of the message we have to share.