アドベント2020 7日 マタイ 2:1-2

アドベント2020 7日 マタイ 2:1-2




ダニエル書はイエスキリストの来るタイミングについて書かれている。特にダニエル2章で、ダニエルと星占い師との対決がある(1~35節)。その結果、キリストが来るタイミングが預言されます(36~45節)。見てみよう。「一つの石が人手によらずに切り出されて…ところがその像を撃った石は、大きな山となって全地に満ちました…天の神は一つの国を立てられます。これはいつまでも滅びることがなく、その主権は他の民にわたされず…この国は立って永遠に至るのです。」(ダニエル2:34, 35, 44)



Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

It is of interest that the gospel of Matthew opens his account of the birth of Christ with the visit of the magi. The verse poses some interesting questions. Who were the magi and what does it mean that they saw his star rise in the east?

Most scholarship agrees that the reference to the star rising in the east means that they, while in eastern lands, saw a sign of astrological significance. Due to the rotation of the earth, all stars rise in the east and pass to the west, so it is not likely that the star pointed a direction. From this and their lavish gifts (which we will get to), it is inferred that they are people of prominence, perhaps priests in their homeland. Many speculate that they came from Persia, and functioned there in a role similar to Daniel.

Certainly, the prophecies of Daniel point to the timing of the Christ’s coming. In particular, Daniel chapter 2 has Daniel face off against court astrologers (vv1-35), interpreting the dreams of the king that reveal when Jesus would come (v36-45). In particular: “A rock was cut out, but not by human hands… The rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth… The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people…it will itself endure forever.” (Daniel 2:34,35,44)

Of significance to us today is that Matthew thought it was significant that the birth of the “king of the Jews” was attended by those of gentile origin as well. The gospel was grace freely provided to both those near and those far away.

While we do not practice astrology, are we looking for the signs of God at work around us? He is busy building a kingdom that will fill the whole earth.