
Church Planting Prayer Request

Hello friends. This is Chris Moore and I'm so happy to join and partner with NCMI in planting a new church in Nagoya, Japan. Together with my wife, Megumi and our children, Selah and Rhema, we've been serving God in Japan since 2002. Although 2020 has posed many kinds of challenges, we believe God has opened a great door to ministry for us in this nation where less than 1% have faith in Jesus. Our city, Nagoya is home to the global headquarters for Toyota and other Japanese manufacturing giants, and there are many people struggling with stress, burnout and lonliness through overwork. In 2011, Japan suffered a major tsunami which has left the younger generation looking for new meaning in life. Jesus is the light and life and with your prayers, we will be bringing the gospel to this ripe harvest field. Already we have several families with young children in our congregation, and we've had success reaching Japanese people in their 20s winning them to Christ and seeing God give new direction and identity to their lives. Please join with us in prayer! God bless!

Join us on Zoom for a Prayer Blast November 12, 2020 @ 20:30 Japan Standard Time. Contact me for details