
Matthew 19 In this house we…

マタイ19章 ・ Matthew 19

鍵となる聖句:17節 Key Verse: v17

Outline: The first half of the chapter talks of our commitment to family. In the second half he makes it clear that our following Jesus is more important than anything else. Because of the first half, we understand that there is something even yet still higher… will we have the one that is good. Will we enter life itself. The priority of treasure in heaven and following Jesus. The priority of the rebirth. The glory of Christ enthroned. Let us consider the rules of this house.

第1部 1~12節 結婚、離婚、独身、性のアイデンティ
Part one: Verses 1-12 Marriage, Divorce, Singleness, Other Sexual Identity

This section starts with Jesus going to the region of the Jews across Jordan where he heals the crowds.

Across Jordan…

The Pharisees came testing..

.. any cause? … Jesus reiterates the purpose in creation of male and female and being joined together ..

Let not man separate what God has joined.

ファリサイ派は申命記24:1をいう。「妻に汚れを発見して。。。」 当時でその「汚れ」は何かを討論しあっていたユダヤ人の教師。シャンマイ「不正な性行為のみ」。ヒレル「朝ごはんが焦げたら」。
The Pharisees refer to Dt. 24:1. “If a man marries a woman but is displeased with her because he finds something unclean…” The arguments of the day about what the unclean thing was… Shammai: “only sexual indecency”, Hillel: “burning breakfast”.

Jesus says only for sexual indecency (porneia). This is a different word than adultery (moichao) in the following verse.

Interesting about the disciple’s response: is it better not to marry? Jesus response is also interesting, three kinds of eunuch. Eunuch can also in this context mean celibate or single and not just castrated. Let’s consider the three kinds of Eunuch…

第2部 13~15節 子供を来させて
Part Two: Verses 13-15 Let the Children come

Permit/forgive the children

Do not stop them to go to me

For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these…

第3部 16~30節 この家では。。。
Part Three: verses 16-30 In this house we …

What good deed… There is only one who is good

永遠の命を持ちたい VS 命に入る。。。
Having eternal life vs. entering life

Keep the commandments: Commands 5-9 (see Ex20/Dt5) and Loving neighbor (Lv19:18). It’s interesting that he skipped covetousness… this is what the young man’s stumbling block was.

Giving to the poor to gain treasure in heaven

Come follow me!

Another case of objects having the person rather than the person having the objects…

As difficult as for a camel passing through the eye of a needle?

The point in this whole section is that not good works, nor wealth and signs of blessing can open the way for you. Jesus looks them in the eye, for man this is impossible, but for God all is possible.

Peter speaks up… we have left all to follow you.

At THE REBIRTH/THE RENEWAL (palingenesia) …

“Judging the twelve tribes of Israel” … here the word for judging is the same Greek word as for the judges of Judges, as in a leader. Perhaps this is the meaning?

All who have left … will receive 100x as much and inherit eternal life.

The first last and the last first…

まとめ Summary

As families here today, I ask that we would commit again. To keeping marriages pure. To supporting the single, celibate and others among us to also be pure. To bringing children to Christ. In this house, let us have a priority of discovering the only one that is good. Let us enter into life rather than merely having eternal life, to not be had by our things but to be generous. To commit to following Christ despite the cost. Know that you can receive 100x and inherit eternal life.

応答 Response

Let us consider kingdom values this week and what it means to us while praying about how we can grow.