
Matthew 20 What do you want?

マタイ20章 ・ Matthew 20

鍵となる聖句 32節: Key Verse: v32

概要:今日イエスは聞いている。「何がほしいですか?」 ある意味、この20章はペテロの19:27の質問、「私達はすべてを捨てて、あなたについて行った。そこで何を受けますか?」の答えの続きである。イエスは大昔のイスラエルの士師のようなリーダーになる(19:28)と言いながら、しもべにもなると忠告している。彼らの報酬は努力によるものではなく、またイエスに最初について行ったことからもらえるものではなく、寛大な主人の御心によるものである。仲間の内に一番になりたい二人の兄弟、そしてそれを逆にする二人の盲人を癒やすことで、イエスがこのテーマを実際に示す。主の御心が人間の意思より高い。
Outline: Jesus today is asking, “What do you want?” … In a sense, the whole chapter is the continued response to Peter’s question in 19:27, “We have left everything to follow you, what then shall we have?” … While Jesus tells them they will be rulers like the judges of ancient Israel (19:28), he also cautions them to know that they will be servants. Their reward is not based on their efforts, nor on being first, but according to the generous will of their master. The point is further developed by two brothers that want to be first among their peers, and Jesus illustrates by way of contrast with two blind persons. His will is higher.

第1部 1~16節 ぶどう園の働き人のたとえ
Part one: vv1-16 The Parable of the Vineyard Workers

Overview of the story… The first last and last first, as at the end of Chapter 19

10~11節 「最初の者」は、勝手な勘違い、間違った期待感によって怒り出すことに注目
vv10-11 It’s interesting that the “first” became upset due to mistaken expectations.

13節 最後の人にもちろん、最初の人にとっても報酬は寛大であり、同意されたものだった
v13 In any case, the wage was generous, and what was agreed to.

14節 「最後の人に、あなたに与えたものと同じものを与えたかった」 したいを表す「セロー」。意思。意図があった。この章によく繰り返すことばから、一つのテーマになる。神の御心は何だろうか?また、神の所有するものは何だろうか?神の御心を話す時、2つの類を話すべきである。一つは宣言的。もう一方は願望的。神の御心を知りたい時は少なくともこの2つを配慮しよう。
v14 “for I WILLED to give the last what I also gave to you”… v15 “can’t I do what I WILL with what is mine” … The word WILL is repeated many times in this chapter. What is the WILL of God? … it is helpful to ask, what is the possession of God in this case… Note also, the difference between the TWO WILLS of God. One is declarative, one is optative. So when we ask to know the heart of God, let us consider at least two categories.

私が良いから、なんであなたの目が悪い? 嫉妬は目をだめにするもの。この章の最後に盲人の目が開かれる。なぜなら、イエスが仕えるために来た。
“Why is your eye evil that I am good?” … These were made blind by jealousy. Later in the chapter we will find people made able to see because of the service of Christ.

第2部 17~19節 福音のメッセージ
Part Two: vv17-19 The message of the Gospel

Jesus prophesizes his suffering, but also his resurrection! The death and resurrection wins for us much. He was handed over so we go free. He was condemned to death so we can live. He was given to the gentiles so we gentiles could be adopted into the promises of Israel. He was mocked so that we could boldly come before the father. He was beaten so that we could be healed. He was crucified, a sinner’s death, so that we can live in holiness. And on the third day he rose, so that every knee would bow.

第3部 20~28節 二人の子、二人の兄弟の「意思」
Part Three: vv20-28 The “WILL” of Two Sons, Two Brothers

We still see the word WILL… v21 to the mother, “what do you WILL?”

… my “two (duo) sons” …

22a節 あなたは何を願っているかわかりません。
v22a You do not know what you ask …

22b節 私が飲むべき杯を飲めますか?
v22b Can you drink the cup I MUST drink

23節 私の父が「用意」した人に 
v23 not for me to give, but to those for who my father has PREPARED.

24節 10人は怒りました。その怒りは聞く時に来た。一体どんな気持ちだろうか?別の弟子が先に呼ばれたし(4:18-22,10:2)
v24 “the ten” were offended … their offense came when hearing… there’s a few different mixed feelings here I’m sure. Peter and Andrew were first called (vv4:18-22, 10:2),

by the “two (duo) brothers”

26-27節 偉大になりたい(セロー)、最初になりたい(セロー)
vv26-27 the one who WILLS to be great among you will be your servant (deacon) and who WILLS to be first will be your slave (doulos)

28節 仕えられるためではなく、仕えるために。ディーコン。多くの人の身代金として命を与える(犠牲になる)。
v28 the son of man came not to be served (deacon-eo) but to serve (deacon-eo) … and to give (dounai) his life as a ransom for many…

第4部 29~34節 二人の盲人の「意思」
Part FOUR: vv29-34 The “WILL” of Two Blind Persons

30節 二人の盲人(ドゥオ)
v30 two (duo) blind persons

30-31節 哀れんでください。主よ。ダビデの子。
vv30-31 “have mercy on us Lord, son of David” x2 … mercy… Lord… son of David

32節 あなたは何をしてほしい?(セロー)
v32 “what do you WILL that I do for you”

33節 主よ。見えるように。。。
v33 Lord… that we can see,,,

34節 目に触れて、見えるようになり、イエスについて行った!

v34 he touched their eyes and they gained vision and followed him!

まとめ Summary

Would that we would be called “friend” (v13)… Have you considered the WILL of God? Jesus said he MUST drink a cup. When he comes and asks, what do you WILL, may our WILL be conformed to his! Let us call him LORD as the blind persons did. Let us do the work without calling for recognition. Protect your heart and follow him alone!

応答 Response

Let us consider the WILL of the LORD and what it means to us while praying about how we can grow as his disciples.