
Matthew 18 What is Humility?

マタイ18章 ・ Matthew 18

Key Verse vv3-4

Outline: What does it mean to be humble: childlike, repentant, believing, doesn’t cause others to stumble, gets back up when they stumble, doesn’t judge people by their weakness, recognizes that Jesus saved them, handles sin seriously with the goal of restoration, forgives as they were forgiven.

1)1-5節 だれが一番偉いか?
Part one: Verses 1-5 Who is the Greatest

I think everyone wants to be the hero of their story. One of the sermons I remember most fondly over the last decade asked the question, who is the central character of your story. Jesus puts this child at the center of the story. There are several things to note.

Jesus at the center.

The new and youth at the center.

Myself not at the center. My personal journey of growth started in living rooms, gathered in a circle. While not practical in our setting now… Part of me would love to return to a setting where we were in a circle.

2)6-9節 つまづきにならないように
Part two: Verses 6-9 Do not cause to stumble

The switch to “little ones”… there was one child, now he is talking of those that have humbled themselves and believe, this phrase is opposed to the “greatest”

These verses talk about a key word: “scandalize”

How responsible are we for other’s reaction?

Jesus’ use of emphasis through “amen”, repeating and exaggeration


The contrast between “entering into life” and “being cast” into “Eternal fire” and “Fiery Gehenna” … a slight discussion about Gehenna.

3)10-14節 小さな者を軽んじないように
Part three: Verses 10-14 Don’t Look Down on these Little Ones

Again, here little ones can be understood as mean the one who has humbled himself or is of humble circumstance in opposition to one seeking to be “the greatest”.

We all have angels before the father. So don’t look down on anyone.

Heavens is plural throughout these verses. It’s probably best to translate as heavenly. But it is worth noting that there are multiple heavenly realms.

All the time: “dia pantos.” Through everything…

Seeking and saving the lost (textual variant is from Luke 19:10) but fits with the theme. With the story of the shepherd we understand that Jesus came looking for us to save us from being lost. It is interesting that we use the word without thinking too much about ways we can be lost in English. There is a big difference between being lost as in missing or out of reach (失う) and being lost as in losing one’s way (迷う). The word used here is also used in other contexts to refer to having been deceived or having lost one’s way. However, the final verse speaks specifically the Father’s desire is that none of these should be lost as in perish using the word from the textual variant.

4)15-20節 罪を犯す兄弟、縛ることや解くこと
Part four: verses 15-20 A brother that sins [against you] and Binding and Loosing

The words “against you”

The use of “church” as a nod to the future but note these are the words of Jesus...

除名?異邦人や取税人のように扱うとはどういうこと?1)隣人愛を持って接する 2)救われるためにする 3)兄弟扱いではなくなる 4)異邦人とは外国人や見知らぬ人。イエス様が外国人をどのように扱っていた? 5)取税人は当時の国民の裏切り者。イエス様は取税人をどのように扱っていた?
The idea of excommunication? what does it mean to treat like a Gentile or tax collector. (1) we continue to love our neighbor (2) we continue to try to win them back (3) we don’t treat them as a brother… (4) The word for Gentile here kind of means, foreigner, stranger… How did Jesus treat foreigners? (5) Tax collectors were viewed as the betrayers of the country. How did Jesus treat the tax collectors?

Next binding and loosing… as related to the brother in sin. Some people take this verse in the context of spiritual warfare. I think that’s possible but the context here is about forgiveness and handling of people… in this context, what two or three agree about anything… let us agree for loosing of captives… let our gathering be a gathering that is for loosing bondage.

Our agreement is a “symphony”

5)21-35節 赦された人は赦すべき
Part five: verses 21-35 The Forgiven must Forgive

Forgiving seventy times seventy or seventy seven times … either way it’s just a representative for a large number.

The story involves talents which are vast sums of money on the one hand and denarii on the other… We are supposed to recognize that anything a person can do to us might feel like denarii (whole days of labour lost)… but what we’ve been forgiven is more like 10,000 talents (one talent is 6,000 denarii or 20 to 30 years of labor) or 300,000 kg of silver (Silver price per kilo 89,695.78 = about 9man yen) about 27oku en? Have we had years of our lives taken by people? How much more has Jesus forgiven…

Do I need to continue to partner with people I forgive? Ephesians 5:3-7 says no

まとめ Summary


Not the greatest but the most humble… That means do not cause others to stumble and avoid stumbling ourselves. Treat all people with respect. We were sought and saved not on our own so we have nothing to boast of. While we confront sin in a careful way in private, our goal is restitution. We should gather together to pray and agree about freeing people in “symphony.” Forgive swiftly because of how much we’ve been forgiven.

応答 Response

Let us consider this week what humility is and what it means to us while praying about how we can grow.