マタイ22 「両方じゃだめ?」
Matthew 22 “Why Not Both?”
鍵となる聖句 45節: Key Verse: v45
「両方じゃだめ?」 “Why not both” (Porque no los dos)
第1部 1~14節 婚礼のたとえ
Part one: vv1-14 Parable of the Wedding Feast
The first rule of interpreting biblical parables: There’s only one point
14節 多くは呼ばれているが、選ばれているのは少ない
v14 “Many are called but few are chosen”
Calvinism vs. Arminianism in brief
「両方じゃだめ?」 呼ばれて、選ばれる
Why not both? “Called and Chosen”
第2部 15~40節 最大の戒め
Part 2: vv15-40 The Greatest Command
Background: Many sects of Judaism at the time.
Pharisees: waiting for Messiah to establish a kingdom on the earth
The second commandment: Do not make idols
「両方じゃだめ?」 神の荷姿に作られ、神が地上に設立した権威に適切に従順
Why not both?: Made in the image of God and appropriately subject to authorities established by God
Sadducees: Rejected the resurrection
Relationships now and forever
「両方じゃだめ?」 死すべき存在で、永遠に生きる
Why not both?: mortal and immortal
どれが最高の戒め? Law and the prophets
Which command is greatest? Law and Prophets
「両方じゃだめ?」 神を愛し、人を愛す
Why not both?: Love God and love people…
第3部 41~46節 ダビデの子、主です
Part 3: vv41-46 Son of David and Lord
Up to this point… The Pharisees tried to reject the law using the prophets… the Sadducees tried to reject the prophets using the law … Jesus is saying there’s a feast.
キリストとはだれ? イエスは完全に人間、完全に神…完璧に贖い、完璧に救える
Who is the Christ… Jesus: fully man and fully God…. able to fully redeem and fully save
適応 Application
Is your faith unbalanced today? Let’s be part of the feast!