
Crafting Bombs and Ammunition

Make a tool check using Alchemist’s Supplies, Tinker’s Tools or Smith’s Tools.


If the above check was a success, you successfully create 1d12 rounds in addition to work progress made on the bomb. On a failure, create 1d6 rounds.



Mechanically and cost wise, this is similar to crafting a spell scroll and uses the rules from Xanathar’s guide for spell scroll crafting, using the above crafting check in place of the Arcana check and without the spell known/prepared requirement.

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Power Keys

Power Keys

Each plane of the multiverse outside of the Prime Material requires power keys to use powers, features and traits that draw upon arcane, divine or primal sources. Power keys reflect the local power sources, and multiple kinds of things can function as a power key in any plane. The following are the rules for power keys.

  • Power keys are keyed to a plane (such as Beastlands), are one of Arcane/Divine/Primal, and have a maximum spell level that they support.

  • A character with a power key for the current plane, of the right source and power level can use it as a spell focus with the benefit of even replacing material components that have a cost (but not material components that are consumed).

  • The Beastlands is a plane of primal energy and no power key is required to tap into primal power in the Beastlands. Similar local effects occur at different places throughout the multiverse.

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So looking through the various firearms already found on DND Beyond, I’ve decided to go with the firearms under the Critical Role content Gunslinger Fighter subclass in priority to the DMG firearms (although those firearms may become available later in the campaign).

Here’s the DND Beyond link to the Gunslinger subclass.

For quick reference in our campaign, they are as follows:

Regarding reloading, the Reload property shall use the action economy given in the DMG.

Characters can replace the starting equipment ranged weapon option (such as javelins/crossbow+bolts) with a pistol and 20 rounds of ammunition.

Firearms in this game are enchanted to produce the propellant, to craft ammunition you only need to create an appropriate projectile from metal. This also means that firearms don’t need special measures to keep powder dry, etc.

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The Three Rules of PvP

The Three Rules of PvP

No player ever hit another player with a fireball...

Except when they did…

And it was hilarious.

The short answer: This campaign is Cooperative Fantasy Storytelling.

I want players to have fun as players engage with other players. (The DM is a player). This means: No “PvP”. Rarely characters can be mutually antagonistic as part of CFS but please DBaD… If you’re confused, consider AGENCY and CONSENT, and when necessary, use the dispute resolution method below.

Rule 1: no PvP

Or “The first rule of PvP is that you don’t talk about PvP.” In D&D sourcebooks the word “player” always means the IRL person (including the DM) so technically the words “player versus player” mean people being antagonistic to people. In this campaign and on this server, in no sense should players be antagonistic to players (and the DM is a player).

Rule 2: Keep it CFS.

Or “The second rule of PvP is that you don’t talk about PvE.” “Players versus environment” doesn’t require players to engage each other, but in my campaign I expect a high degree of engagement between players. D&D is better described as “cooperative fantasy storytelling” (CFS). The rule is: Keep it cooperative. Keep it fantasy. Keep storytelling. Don’t derail the adventure. Don’t take it personally. “Walk and talk.”

The normal mode of engagement between characters is camaraderie. When rare antagonistic actions occur between characters it must never be “player versus player” but merely “character versus character” and must advance a shared storytelling purpose, (no “but my character would do it”).

Sidebar: AGENCY & CONSENT: Before a character engages another character in an antagonistic manner, ask yourself (and the other player) whether what you are doing will violate the other player’s AGENCY or CONSENT. As a DM, I promise to honor your player AGENCY in return for your CONSENT that negative circumstances may affect your character.

Rule 3: DBaD.

Or “The third rule of PvP is don’t be a dick.” If you accidentally dick someone over and they let you know they are butt-hurt IRL about it, apologize swiftly or you’re a double dick. If someone apologizes, stop being butt-hurt swiftly or if you bring it up again you’re a triple dick. Don’t be a dick.

Sidebar: Dispute resolution: first in private one on one > second with a buddy > if there are still differences of opinion we agree to leave it unresolved and respect diversity of opinion within 24 hours. Coalition building is not an accepted dispute resolution method since it is by its nature “PvP”. Third-parties can feel free to put an end to a heated conversation by reminding parties involved that: “The stakes are low here folks.” This is hereby a “safe word” on our server and is a signal for those involved to stop posting about this topic.


This campaign is PEP: players engaging players through the medium of the game. Don’t talk around me about the words PvP or PvE or I’ll link you to this page.

(See CR S03E31 starting at 2:56:00 to 3:41:28 for an incredible and shocking example of inter-character antagonism that is not PvP by the definition of Rule 1 and meets the criteria of Rule 2… )

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