贖 地獄 15日目 墓の中、私を見つけ出す

贖 地獄 15日目 墓の中、私を見つけ出す

主よ。あなたは、私のたましいの訴えを弁護して、私のいのちを贖ってくださいました。 -- 哀歌3:53-58

贖 十字架の道 14日目 墓に葬られたイエス

贖 十字架の道 14日目 墓に葬られたイエス

アリマタヤのヨセフが大胆にもピラトの所へ行き、イエスのからだの引取りかたを願った。彼は地位の高い議員であって、彼自身、神の国を待ち望んでいる人であった。そこで、ヨセフは亜麻布を買い求め、イエスをとりおろして、その亜麻布に包み、岩を掘って造った墓に納め、墓の入口に石をころがしておいた。 -- マルコ15:43,46

贖 十字架の道 11日目 犯罪人への約束

贖 十字架の道 11日目 犯罪人への約束

「われわれは、自分のしたことの報いを受けているのだからあたりまえだ。だがこの方は、悪いことは何もしなかったのだ。」そして言った。「イエスさま。あなたの御国の位にお着きになるときには、私を思い出してください。」イエスは、彼に言われた。「まことに、あなたに告げます。あなたはきょう、わたしとともにパラダイスにいます。」 -- ルカ23:41-43

贖 十字架の道 10日目 十字架に付けられたメッシア

贖 十字架の道 10日目 十字架に付けられたメッシア

「どくろ」と呼ばれている所に来ると、そこで彼らは、イエスと犯罪人とを十字架につけた。犯罪人のひとりは右に、ひとりは左に。そのとき、イエスはこう言われた。「父よ。彼らをお赦しください。彼らは、何をしているのか自分でわからないのです。」彼らは、くじを引いて、イエスの着物を分けた。… この出来事を見た百人隊長は、神をほめたたえ、「ほんとうに、この人は正しい方であった。」と言った。 -- ルカ23:33-34,47 

From Excuse to Impact 言い訳からインパクトへ

Exodus 3:1-10 出エジプト記3:1-10

1. A great commission 偉大な使命

Matthew 28:18-20 マタイ28:18-20

The great commission << full of dreams, 4 values, tsutawaru, sharing grace received

2. What's your excuse? あなたの言い訳は何ですか?

Excuse 1: I’m not good enough 私はふさわしくない
“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” -Exodus 3:11 出エジプト記3:11
Excuse 2: I don’t have all the answers 私は答えを持っていない
“Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?” -Exodus 3:13 出エジプト記3:13
Excuse 3: People won’t believe me だれも私を信じない
“Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’ ” -Exodus 4:1 出エジプト記4:1
Excuse 4: I’m a terrible speaker 私はうまく説明できない
“Then Moses said to the LORD, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” -Exodus 4:10 出エジプト記4:10
Excuse 5: I don't want to 私はやりたくない
“But he said, “O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else You may send.” -Exodus 4:13  出エジプト記4:13

3. God equips us like Moses モーセのように、神様はあなたを装備します

Excuse 1: I’m not good enough 私はふさわしくない
Exodus 3:12 出エジプト記3:12
Worship together makes you worthy 一緒にワーシップすることがあなたをふさわしくする
(from worth-ship ... his worthiness)

Excuse 2: I don’t have all the answers 私は答えを持っていない
Exodus 3:14 出エジプト記3:14
God's name is the answer to every question 神様の名はすべての答えになる

Excuse 3: People won’t believe me だれも私を信じない
Exodus 4:2  出エジプト記4:2
Experiencing the miraculous in the things at hand will be your testimony 手にあるものを通して神様の奇跡を体験することがあなたの証になる

Excuse 4: I’m a terrible speaker 私はうまく説明できない
Exodus 4:11-12  出エジプト記4:11
God gave you a mouth and will give you words 神様はあなたに口を与えて、言葉も与える

Excuse 5: I don't want to 私はやりたくない
Exodus 4:14b  出エジプト記4:14
God will give you a team 神様はチームをくれる

Moses led his people, was led by God,

Deuteronomy 18:15 申命記18:15
John 1:17 ヨハネ1:17

4. Jesus is the better prophet イエスこそ、モーセを超えた預言者

Excuse 1: I’m not good enough 私はふさわしくない
Luke 3:22 ルカ3:22
this is my son in whom I am well pleased「あなたはわたしの愛する子、わたしの心にかなう者である」

Excuse 2: I don’t have all the answers 私は答えを持っていない
Luke 4:4,8,12  ルカ4:4, 8, 12
Jesus responds to the devil イエスは答えらる方

Excuse 3: People won’t believe me だれも私を信じない
Luke 4:15 ルカ4:15
Jesus was accepted みんなの者から尊敬をお受けになった

Excuse 4: I’m a terrible speaker 私はうまく説明できない
Luke 4:22 ルカ4:22
they were amazed at the gracious words 彼らはみなイエスをほめ、またその口から出て来るめぐみの言葉に感嘆した

Excuse 5: I don't want to 私はやりたくない
Luke 4:43 ルカ4:43
I must go because that is why I am sent わたしは、ほかの町々にも神の国の福音を宣べ伝えねばならない。自分はそのためにつかわされたのである

5. Christ in you, the hope of glory あなたの内におられるキリスト、栄光の望み

Colossians 1:27 コロサイ1:27
1 John 4:4 1ヨハネ4:4
Romans 8:28-29 ローマ8:28-29

Luke 24:44-49 ルカ24:-44-49

Rough outline and message notes by Chris Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ


贖 十字架の道 9日目 エルサレムの娘たち

贖 十字架の道 9日目 エルサレムの娘たち

大ぜいの民衆やイエスのことを嘆き悲しむ女たちの群れが、イエスのあとについて行った。しかしイエスは、女たちのほうに向いて、こう言われた。「エルサレムの娘たち。わたしのことで泣いてはいけない。むしろ自分自身と、自分の子どもたちのことのために泣きなさい。 -- ルカ23:27-28 

Lent 2018 - Red Letters - Day 34 - John 15:7


If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. -- John 15:7

This word challenges my faith to believe that he can do whatever I ask for. The only condition is about the status of my residence. Have I stayed in him? Have his words stayed in me? There are certainly miraculous things I desire of him. But I have tried to satisfy my yearnings with natural things, by natural means for far too long. It is his great grace that he calls me to him again and again. 

Prayer: Jesus, give me faith to pray again. To believe for the impossible. Help your words to remain in me. I give my heart open to you. I come to you today. Refresh my soul.

Red Letters is a devotion for Lent 2018 by Chris Michael Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ

Lent 2018 - Red Letters - Day 33 - John 15:6

If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. -- John 15:6

If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. -- John 15:6

Today Jesus presents the alternative to life with him. Not as a threat, his love is too great for that, but as a warning. So we come again to the place of remaining and abiding. The repetition is for my benefit. I need the reminder. How deep is this love that does not worry about repeating the same encouragement knowing my weakness. It makes clear my need for him without which I am surely doomed to fire.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for reminding me patiently. Thank you that you know me more than I know myself. Thank you that you came to save me from fire. Thank you for revealing the wither within me. I ask that you would help me to make my residence in you. Come to me, Lord. Draw me into you.

Red Letters is a devotion for Lent 2018 by Chris Michael Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ

贖 十字架の道 6日目 むちといばらの冠

贖 十字架の道 6日目 むちといばらの冠

そこで、ピラトはイエスを捕えて、むち打ちにした。また、兵士たちは、いばらで冠を編んで、イエスの頭にかぶらせ、紫色の着物を着せた。彼らは、イエスに近寄っては、「ユダヤ人の王さま。ばんざい。」と言い、またイエスの顔を平手で打った。-- ヨハネ19:1-3

Lent 2018 - Red Letters - Day 32 - John 15:5

 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. — John 15:5

 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. — John 15:5

I can do nothing, without him. How often have I proved this to myself. The things I thought were sailing smoothly have come completely undone. Things that seemed to work fine no longer do. His support is essential to keep me in place against the wind and the rain. μένω... Am I staying, remaining, dwelling, abiding, waiting, continuing... ?   

Prayer: Jesus, forgive me for where I have tried to be, tried to do, so much apart from you. Forgive my impatience to get to my tasks when you are ready to support me. Help me to stay longer. Help me to dwell a little more over your word. Help me wait for you to come before I get busy. Help me continue in this. I need you.

Red Letters is a devotion for Lent 2018 by Chris Michael Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ

贖 十字架の道 5日目 ピラトの裁き

贖 十字架の道 5日目 ピラトの裁き

だが、ピラトは言った。「あの人がどんな悪い事をしたというのか。」しかし、彼らはますます激しく「十字架につけろ。」と叫び続けた。そこでピラトは、自分では手の下しようがなく、かえって暴動になりそうなのを見て、群衆の目の前で水を取り寄せ、手を洗って、言った。「この人の血について、私には責任がない。自分たちで始末するがよい。」 -- マタイ27:23-24

Lent 2018 - Red Letters - Day 31 - John 15:4

 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. — John 15:4

 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. — John 15:4

It is staying in him. In God alone. Real fruit cannot come from a partial commitment. There cannot be even leaf or bloom on this branch unless there is constant connection. Each time I uproot myself and cut off the flow of life, it must start again from nothing. What a privilege to be allowed as a dead branch to be grafted into the flow of life... and grafted again... and grafted again... and grafted again... No matter how many times I try to do it alone. 

Prayer: Jesus, help me to stay in you. The fruit is worth it. Help me to receive it not only for me, but to have extra to provide for others. Graft me in again. Let me know the moment I go astray. Forgive me for walking away and finding comfort in other things. Let me love deeply and truly the people around me through the fruit of love you give me.  

Red Letters is a devotion for Lent 2018 by Chris Michael Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ