Grace received is thankfulness and wonder 受けた恵みとは感謝と感動

Grace received is thankfulness and wonder 受けた恵みとは感謝と感動

The two rules of life 人生における二つの大原則

① Jesus is Lord イエスは主です

② There’s no changing rule ① - 「①」を変えることができない

Psalm 23:1-6

Psalm 23:4

The Rod: scepter standing for authority, also the word for tribe. Used to chase away danger.

The Staff: shepherding, caring and protecting

<写真① 羊>


<写真② ツタンカーメン>


Jesus wants us to taste life イエスは人生を味あわせたい

Psalm 34:8

Asking Megumi about why she’s upset… things not moving at her timing… God wants us to taste life. counting thankfulness… I was number 8 ;_;

2 Peter 3:9

It’s okay to not be okay 大丈夫と思えない時でも、あなたは大丈夫

1 Peter 5:7

Psalm 139:23-24

Matthew 6:31-34

Rough outline and message notes by Chris Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ