Three Tents: Biblical Survey: Jesus in the Old Testament




Jesus in the Old Testament

Seven periods of history/geography

1. Patriarchs

Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Job

Locations: Chaldea (Genesis 1-11), Palestine (Genesis 12-36), Egypt (Genesis 37-50)

Types of Christ: …

2. Pre-kingdom

Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth

Locations: Map

Types of Christ: …

3. United Kingdom

Books: [History] 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, [“of David”] Psalms, [“of Solomon”] Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon

Locations: Map

Types of Christ: …

The Divided Kingdom

Precursors to division. Final reason for the divide. Results of the split in the northern kingdom…

Locations: Map

Books: [History] 2 Chronicles

Types of Christ: …

4. Until the fall of the Northern Kingdom

Books: [History] 1 Kings [Prophets to northern kingdom] Amos, Hosea, [Prophets to southern kingdom] Isaiah, Micah [Prophets to other countries] Nahum, Jonah

Types of Christ: …

5. Until the fall of the Southern Kingdom

Books: [History] 2 Kings [Prophets to southern kingdom] Joel, Zephaniah, Habbakuk, Jeremiah, Lamentaitons, [Prophets to other countries] Obadaiah

Types of Christ: …

6. Exile

Locations: Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia

Books: Ezekiel, Daniel

Types of Christ: …

7. Aliyah

Books: [History] Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther [Prophets] Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Types of Christ: …


  • Study one of the messianic psalms

  • Practice memorizing all 66 books

Prayer and worship to finish.