Three Tents: Biblical Survey: Letters to Disciples




Letters to Disciples

“Catholic epistles” vs. discipleship letters.

The Authors

Paul - very different writing style, Hebrews also
James - Jerusalem church, persecution, famine
Peter - after circumcision controversy, Rome
John - Ephesus, beloved disciple, pastoral gospel
Jude - Jerusalem/Judea/Samaria church, against heresy, two points of interest: Jesus exodus, Enoch quote

Questions to ask as we read:

  • In addition to the questions for the church epistles…

  • Can we feel the heart of discipleship? This is a beloved teacher speaking to me closely.

1 Timothy

Dating: Autumn of 55
Audience: Timothy... younger and disciple, sent to lead churches especially Corinth, Phillipi, later Ephesus
1. Proper teaching Ch. 1 -- law without legalism, grace without blasphemy "holding faith and a good conscience" v19
2. Order for the church Ch. 2-3 -- Prayer, worship, overseers and deacons
3. Summary of Paul's teachings 3:14-4:5
4. Living as a community Ch 4-6 -- leadership 4:6-16, women, business people, rich
Major themes: Personal discipline as a leader, how to guide a church in different situations
Key passage: 1 Tim 3:14-4:5

2 Timothy

Dating: Fall of 58
Audience: Timothy... older now maybe in Ephesus
Guard and protect the gospel Ch. 1
Fight and suffer for the gospel Ch. 2:1-13
Firm but gentle leadership 2:14-3:9
Live and preach the Word 3:10-4:8
Greetings 4:9-22
Major themes: Staying constant in patience, the power of the word
Key passage: 2:20-26


Dating: Late spring 57
Audience: Titus... Crete... 1:12-13
1. The leader's task in upending culture Ch 1.
2. The church's posture in upending culture Ch2:1-10
3. The church's purpose in upending culture Ch2:11-3:15
Major themes: Bringing firm leadership to a wild culture
Key passage: 2:11-14, 3:3-8


Dating: Summer of 58
Explain the situation .. Philemon 2, Colossians 4:17


Dating: 67
Audience: Question of authorship, question of audience...
Outline: Jesus is better than anything you could go back to... better messenger than angels, better prophet than Moses, better savior than Joshua, better priest than Aaron...
Key passage: Hebrews 11-12... 12:1-6, 11-17


Dating: 47-48
Audience: Jerusalem church
Outline: Prophetic voice... like the prophets of the old testament he cries out that we would repent and come back to God.
1:13-17, 1:22-25, 2:12, 2:18-26, 4:6-10, 5:13-16


  • Study from Peter John or Jude

  • Practice memorizing all 66 books

Prayer and worship to finish.