Three Tents: Prerequisites: Devotional Life

Prayer by Amah
Review of homework

We are talking about prerequisites for studying Biblical theology, and we have said, you need to believe the Gospel, and be committed to your church family. The next thing I consider a prerequisite for someone to study the Bible in depth is a private devotional life.

I've gone through many different seasons with regard to my personal devotions. Right now, I prefer to read the bible devotionally at my breakfast table. My wife I think likes to read throughout the day as she has time. When the children were younger it was more difficult and we had to make other arrangements. Today I'm going to present one way, but this does not need to be law for you.

“We must know before we can love. In order to know God, we must often think of Him; and when we come to love Him, we shall then also think of Him often, for our heart will be with our treasure.”
-- Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

Matthew 6:6


One woman leader I know has described journaling or devotional time as her date time with Jesus. Would you like to go on a date? I don't know how you do relationships in Indonesia or at Kefas Church so hopefully Amah can help me to give appropriate advice... When you go on a date, you choose the time and place carefully and wait with expectation for a private encounter to really get to know each other.

“I never knew you”

Matthew 7:21-23

As much as I want to know God, it's even more important that he knows me. How is it possible for me to do something to help him remember me. It's not the deeds, it's in the relationship. We prepare for "quality time," listen to the voice of God and are led by his love.

The Journaling Process

  • Pray and give thanks

  • Read the bible passage carefully, slowly, repeatedly, thinking on the meaning... like a love letter

  • Ask two or three questions.... why does it say this? why is it said like this? You can focus on the overall message and how it fits in context, as well as on smaller phrases or words

  • Speak to God without pretending to be someone else, speak honestly.

  • Write down applications you can practice and ask the Holy Spirit to help

So let's break it down carefully:


Some lessons from the Lord's prayer: Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4

  • ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication)

  • Children's special words: "I love you" + "I'm sorry" + "Thank you" + "Please"

  • Pronouns: "we"/"our" - always have a list (world church/missions, workplace, local church, neighbors, family)


Don't read it like an email... read it like a hand-written love letter.

  • With a heart full of love for the one who wrote this to you

  • Repeat the good parts

  • Think about the words

  • Ask questions about what it means

I went through different seasons... Ephesians aloud was a season.


When we eat, the food is important, but even more important is the fellowship with the person that we are eating with. The most fun meal is one where we are enjoying a close time with friends and family. As we take daily bread with our Father, we remember that great conversations are built on great questions.

Why did you say that? Why did you do that? What does this mean in context? What does this one word mean?

Let's ask our Father some of these questions. God wants to speak clearly to us, so let's ask him to clarify. Let's try to discover who God is and write down what we discover.

The best conversations happen when we are not multitasking. You have to really show up. Maybe that's why you should try a paper bible and a notebook. I've actually found commuting to be good for me sometimes since I can't be too distracted.

How else can we have good conversation with friends and family? It requires an interest in the other person and asking questions. One-way conversations are not fun. It requires honest, gratitude, encouragement, and mutual acceptance. Let's write this conversation down as we continue to think about God.


Applications should be 3P: Personal, Practical, Possible.

Personal means not for someone else, but an application for yourself. Practical means you can choose a specific time, place, person, method, etc. for acting on what you learned. Possible means that you can actually check whether you successfully accomplished it.

Habakkuk 2:2

Ask for the Holy Spirit to help

There are things we cannot change on our own. Let's ask the Lord for his help to bring change to every circumstance as we offer ourselves to him.

John 14:16, 1 John 4:4, Luke 4:18, Romans 12:1-2

Another way to remember the steps is the abbreviation SOAP: Scripture, Observations, Applications, Prayer

The importance of the word

Matthew 4:4

As we make the word part of our daily food, we learn God's love for us, we are changed into the one he made us to be, and we become fruitful in our way of life. If you truly stay in the word you will not wander into sin. A person who starts to prioritize other things is in danger.

Journal is not an obligation!

Don't feel let down when you miss a day. You don't punish yourself if you miss a meal. Journaling is like eating for your spiritual life. If you miss a meal you can have a bigger dinner! On the other hand, you don't get a star if you collect all the days finished. Journaling is its own reward, because you can experience the real presence of God in your own life for yourself.

John 15:4


  • A mark of healthy Christians is that they should be in love with God as expressed in devotions

  • Journaling is a method that helps us to remember to do the important things: Read the scripture, converse with the Holy Spirit, grow as a disciple of Christ and pray for our Christian family and neighbors

  • There’s no single right way, but this way is a good way that you can try


  1. Do you do devotions every day? What are things that keep you from your devotions?

  2. Try journaling each day this week. I'd love to hear what God spoke to you, if it is something you can share.


Let's let you ask questions now.

  • Praying for enemies?

  • Should we worship?

Prayer and worship to finish.