クロスオーバー “Teach us to pray” 祈りを教えて

クロスオーバー “Teach us to pray” 祈りを教えて

Luke 11:1-4

  1. If we could learn to pray… 祈りを分かったら。。。

Peace, faith, growth, … Really cross over into knowing

The truth about prayer is that it is simple… honest… talking with God…

  1. Jesus was praying… イエスが祈っていた。。。

in a certain place… when he finished…

  1. One of his disciples said… 一人の弟子が言いました。。。

*one* of his disciples said to him… will you be the one that draws near and says, teach me?

“Lord, teach us to pray”

As John taught his disciples: Pr. Yumi’s prayers of compassion, Pr. Masato’s prayers of action, Pr. Eliya’s prayers of vision,

A few top level observations about the prayer:

Different versions… Jesus often taught on prayer, and he didn’t use an exact formula. There is room for jazz notes. It’s not just about the content either (Matthew’s version is longer)… For example, the versions in Matthew and Luke use different verb tenses. Where one version is talking about this very moment by moment, the other is talking about the continuous, tomorrow and beyond.

  1. What are your pronouns?… あなたの代名詞は?

The pronouns that don’t occur: I/Me, They/Them, He/She/It / Him/Her/It

This prayer is a prayer directed at a You...

There are prayers for US...


“holy name”… holy Bible… do you have something sacred? Something so beautiful that to share it would lessen its beauty? I might be old fashioned but in the age of the SNS… boundaries

Kingdom come

Matthew 10:7-8

provide the bread we need each day

(manna, salvific, our needs)

Proverbs 30:8-9

forgive our debts, *as* we forgive (or even “for”… )


Lead us not into trial/temptation

Faith is not faith until it is tested. The tree of knowledge of Good and Evil is a story about how our choices matter.

The prayer includes the meaning, “don’t lead us in trial”… as in, get us out of trial. The other tree in the garden was the tree of life.... the cross of Christ. Julius and Masato… “glorious cross” … prayer brings us to the cross.

Rough outline and message notes by Chris Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ