Blessed are the pure in heart 心のきよい者は幸いです

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God -- Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God -- Matthew 5:8

Psalm 24:3-4

1. Four impurities to avoid 避けるべき4つの汚れ

Galatians 5:16-21

a. Sexual 性的
don't be ashamed of desire, advantages to marriage, making something special for someone means cutting out all the others... the word "holy" (聖別)... if you will be married in holy matrimony (神聖な結婚)

b. Spiritual 霊的
horoscopes ... you don’t need to avoid places or drums or graves... in fact when we give spiritual significance to something other than God, we are engaging in idolatry...
God's favor is all over you (John 1:16, Leviticus 26:9-10, Jeremiah 29:11)
do not fear (Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10)
give God all the glory (Isaiah 64:4, Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 9:8)

c. Emotional 感情的
Frustration .. story, workplace, home
Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of God rule in your minds...
Philippians 4:8
Romans 12:21

God's greatest command to us is to love God and love people... not a choice. This is the law for us.

d. Losing control 自制を失うこと
addictions ... fasting ... youtube ... who is Lord of my life... but avoid vows
James 5:12

Romans 8:13
Kill sin or it will kill you

2. The blood of Jesus washes whiter than the snow イエスの血潮は雪より白く洗い流してくれる
Romans road

I consider myself a ‘good person’… won’t that be enough?
Romans 3:23-24

Is sin really THAT big of a deal? If it is… what HOPE is there?
Romans 6:21, 23

After what I’ve done to grieve God… HOW could He willingly die in my place?
Romans 5:6,8-9

HOW can I be saved?
Romans 10:9-11

Did God HEAR me? Did He accept me?
Romans 10:13

What do I do now?
Romans 10:17

3. Seeing God 神様を見る

Revelation 7:9, 13-17

God wants you to see him

Psalm 51:10
Matthew 5:8

Rough outline and message notes by by Chris Michael Moore of His Call Church - ヒズコールチャーチ