Dear Theophilus
I feel that God has done so many great and amazing things in my life, that I would like to make an orderly account of them to encourage and inspire hope in Jesus. It is truly humbling to consider the riches of his favor and how he has brought me through many circumstances up to the present day. While I have tried to give just the facts as I experienced them, please forgive small amendments made in the interest of protecting people's privacy, etc.*
Eight years ago, my daughter Rhema was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF).
As a family we were faced with a dilemma. While we felt we were called to Japan, but our daughter’s illness was rare here, only about 15 patients nationwide. In Canada there are more than 3,000. We were told she would likely need a lung transplant one day, and lung transplantation is a technique originally developed in Canada, while transplantation of any kind is rare in Japan and lung transplantation more so. The same year that Rhema was diagnosed, medicine that would extend her life was approved for use in Japan. Despite the greater experience of medical staff in Canada we decided to stay in Japan, knowing that God had called us here to serve him and trusting that he was in charge of our daughter.
Eight years later, using the same medicines and therapy she would have received in Canada, at the age of 12, her lungs went from functioning well enough to stay out of the hospital for a year, to completely non-functional within the space of a week. In fact, the seriousness of the situation was not apparent to the doctors until less than 12 hours before her lungs completely stopped functioning and she had a hole in her lungs with so much CO2 in her blood that it had essentially turned to acid and she was at the edge of what is survivable (pH 6.8).
Two weeks later she came out of surgery with new lungs, and is continuing to make good progress towards recovery 6 weeks later. This surgery normally takes six months to arrange, but the surgeons, multiple surgery rooms at the hospital, the special ambulance required to carry her from Nagoya to Okayama and associated medical staff, and especially two brave living donors were available to save my daughter’s life.
This week my parents visited from Canada and told me about the conversation they had had with doctors in Canada. There are less than 10 people in the world that can do the surgery that saved my daughter, and of those ten, there is no one other than the one that saved Rhema in the world that would have done the surgery under the conditions that we had.
By following our calling from God and staying in Japan, we were in the only place in the world with the doctor, donors, facilities and time available to perform this surgery. If we had feared and gone back to Canada, which looked like the better option, she would not be alive today.
Thank you Pastor Yumi for your message today.
Praise be to God. You can experience him too.