




ーー https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本の宗教 より

それから、イエスは、すべての町や村を巡って、会堂で教え、御国の福音を宣べ伝え、あらゆる病気、あらゆるわずらいを直された。 また、群衆を見て、羊飼いのない羊のように弱り果てて倒れている彼らをかわいそうに思われた。そのとき、弟子たちに言われた。「収穫は多いが、働き手が少ない。だから、収穫の主に、収穫のために働き手を送ってくださるように祈りなさい。」

ーー マタイ9:35-38


  • 聖書的

  • 成熟

  • 責任

  • 成功

  • 宣教


Takusei Institute

Takusei Institute is a Training School for Pioneering Disciples

Grow as a disciple of Jesus, stand on a biblical foundation and engage in church planting and evangelism in Japan.

Japan Needs You!

According to statistics, only around one percent of Japanese people profess faith in Christ. We desire to raise up a new generation that is going to make a difference in this nation.

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

ーー Matthew 9:35-38

Join us!

We have experience building communities that are cross-cultural and training students from a wide variety of backgrounds. Our courses are offered in such a way that students can learn in both Japanese and in English. Please contact us if you would like more information. (See the contact information below)

Takusei Institute will help you to grow into:






Let’s Win Japan For Christ!


細江 政人

教える分野・科目 リーダーシップ、牧会、開拓、実行力、宣教、チームビルディングなど

モア クリス

教える分野・科目 実践神学、聖書神学、教会史、聖書研究、弁証学、教会経済、個人財務など

細江 由美

教える分野・科目 人格形成、弟子訓練、聖書的カウンセリング、スモールグループリーダーシップなど


辺見 貴宏

教える分野・科目 営業スキル、ビジネスマインド、ホスピタリティなど

土居 恵理也

教える分野・科目 戦略的宣教など

細江 花咲

教える分野・科目 ジャーナル講座など

四達 小百合

教える分野・科目 ワーシップ




Masato Hosoe

Teaching topics: Leadership, pastoral studies, church planting, implementation ability, evangelism, team building, etc.

Chris Michael Moore

Teaching topics: Theology in practice, Biblical theology, history of Christian faith, Bible research, apologetics, church finance, personal finance, etc.

Yumi Hosoe

Teaching topics: Character formation, discipleship, Biblical counseling, small group leadership, etc.

Special Topics

Takahiro Hemmi

Teaching topics: Sales skills, business mindset, hospitality, etc.

Elijah Doi

Teaching topics: Strategic evangelism, etc.

Kasaki Hosoe

Teaching topics: Journaling, character formation, etc.

Sayuri Shitatsu

Teaching topics: Worship

Guest Instructors  

 Every year, we learn from many global church leaders from Japan and around the world.

Servant Leadership


ーー マタイ20:25-28


 2年目の終わりに「Servant Leadership」の修了証を渡します。

Jesus called the [12 disciples] to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

ーー Matthew 20:25-28

 In the first two years of study we focus on developing a servant heart, deepening the student’s understanding of the Bible and helping them to grow in showing “love for neighbor” through service. By becoming a real disciple of Jesus, we form teams that will make history in Japan. 

 Persons completing the second year will receive a certificate in Servant Leadership.




Pioneering Internship

 In the third and fourth year of study, the student prepares for church planting. Hands-on study becomes the focus as the student considers keys for pioneering work found in Biblical theology and the history of the church, and then puts it into practice.

 Students completing their fourth year will receive a diploma of graduation from Takusei Institute.



 1学期 4~6月

 夏休み 7~8月

 2学期 9~11月

 冬休み 12月

 3学期 1~3月


 入学金  5万円 ※1年目のみ

 施設費用 5万円 ※1年目のみ


  社会人 月4万円 

  学生  月3万円 

  ※ 年間一括払いは一か月分安くなります

  ※ 夫婦の場合、一人分の費用で二人が一緒に学べます

 ※一部の科目を聴講することを希望する場合、モアに連絡してください。 pr.chrismoore@gmail.com


 まず情報だけでも、もっと知りたいと思うなら、モアクリスまでご連絡ください。 pr.chrismoore@gmail.com





Becoming a Takusei Student

Takusei Annual Calendar

 First Term: April to June

 Summer Vacation: July and August

 Second Term: September to November

 Winter Vacation: December

 Third Term: January to March


 Admissions: 50,000 yen *First year only

 Facilities fee: 50,000 yen *First year only


  “Professionals”: 40,000 yen/month

  “Students”: 30,000 yen/month (Engaged in other education)

  * Paying tuition for a year at once is one-month tuition free

  * Couples can participate together for the price of one.

* To audit single courses, please contact Chris Moore


Application(form (JA))

 First, contact Chris Moore if you would like to apply or receive more information. pr.chrismoore@gmail.com


 Applicants will meet with the instruction staff to discuss the student’s intention for the study, future vision and financial aspects of their study.


 At the start of each term students and instructors build closer relationships, share information about what will be studied for the term and have a general meeting of the student association.