
Asuza Street and earlier charismata … not as a means to themselves but in response to the move of the Holy Spirit

Two of the largest Pentecostal denominations:

What is Pentecostal and Charismatic

Global expansion of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements

Toronto, Brownsville, Bethel cloud of glory

Jonathan Edwards marks to determine whether a move is genuine in “Testing the Spirits”

Not signs for or against the work being from the Spirit of God:

1) Unusual or extraordinary form of the work

2) Physical effects such as tears, shaking, groans, loud cries, failing of body strength

3) Revival causes a lot of noise in the public sphere

4) Participants have great impressions made on their imaginations

5) Participants influenced by example of others

6) Some participants having moral failure or irregularity

7) Some errors in judgement

8) Some scandals (think Judas Iscariot)

9) Over or under emphasis on hell

Signs that a move of the Holy Spirit is genuine:

1) Does the work cause the Jesus of the Scriptures to be exalted?

2) Does the work turn people against Satan’s kingdom by turning their hearts away from sin and worldliness?

3) Does the work produce a greater love and esteem and honor for the Scriptures?

4) Does the work lead people to the truth?

5) Does the work result in love to God and man?

The importance of holiness!

1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13, Hebrews 12